July 3, 2024

UDA MP, Salah Yakub who revealed plans to extend the presidential term limit maintains his stance

2 min read

UDA MP, Salah Yakub who revealed plans within the Kenya Kwanza government to extend the presidential term limit maintains his stance.

Salah Yakub, a Fafi Member of Parliament (MP), who sparked a contentious debate by proposing that the country’s constitution be changed to increase the presidential term limit, isn’t giving up despite a raging response.

Speaking to the media, Yahub said that Kenyans should be prepared for the presidential term limit issue, whether it happens now or in the near future.

While arguing that the two five-year terms set forth in the constitution are restricted, Yakub claims he is not in favor of lifetime service but rather the implementation of either a 75-year-old retirement age or removal via popular vote.

“I know we created some storm and these were statements I made while distributing food in Garissa. I want to make it clear that the suggestion has nothing to do with the current president, the government, or any other thing other than Kenyans. It is a debate about the constitution. The constitution can be changed or amended. It’s not the Bible or the Quran,” he said.

“It is something I believe in, we have discussed it with quite a number of legislators. The term limit should not be two terms. My suggestion is the president should be removed through the ballot and an eventual age limit of 75 years.”

This comes as the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party distance itself from the aforesaid plans to scrap the presidential term limit.

Salah Yakub, a Fafi member of parliament, made the assertions, which UDA denounced as “the product of the legislator’s fertile imagination” in a statement on Tuesday, November 8.

The party headed by President William Ruto stated that the party had not participated in debates over term limits and would not take part in “sideshows.”

“Remarks by Fafi MP Salah Yakub that there are plans to extend term limits for the President are a product of a fertile imagination by the legislator. UDA distances itself from the utterances by the MP,” UDA said.

“The Party has not been part of discussions in regard to term limits. The Party is busy implementing The Plan and will not be part of sideshows.”

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