July 3, 2024

UDA Vice Chair resigns over differences with Ruto on housing fund

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UDA Vice Chair resigns over differences with Ruto on housing fund

UDA Vice Chair Seth Panyako resigns over differences on housing fund with his boss, President Ruto

UDA Vice Chair Seth Panyako resigns over differences on housing fund with his boss, President Ruto.

United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Vice Chairperson Seth Panyako on Saturday, May 27, resigned from his position in the ruling party.

Speaking at the burial of former lawmaker Joseph Hamisi in Kakamega County, Panyako announced his resignation from the party for opposing the Housing Fund proposal supported by President William Ruto.

He said that many Kenyans who were trying to make ends meet did not find the concept appealing.

Panyako added that he made the choice following a meeting he had on Friday, May 26 with President Ruto. 

“I talked to the President at 7 pm and it seemed that I could not continue with my role given my opposition to the housing fund and the high cost of living. 

“Therefore, on behalf of my late friend (Hamisi), I want to announce that I have resigned from my position at UDA,” he announced.

Panyako – who also served as the Secretary General of the Kenya National Union of Nurses (KNUN) – maintained that he had no other option but to quit the ruling party.

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“I have decided to stick with Kenyans because, during the campaigns, we used to say kazi ni kazi, pesa mfukoni. Now they are saying, Kazi ni kazi, pesa kwa serikali,” he stated.

Notably, Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u appointed Panyako to the Local Authorities Provident Fund Board on March 24. 

He did not make any mention of leaving his board post at the funeral.

The former party official disagreed with the housing fund just days before he resigned. 

He regretted that the new proposals would have caused some workers to suffer because Kenyan workers were already overburdened. 

According to Panyako, the government must employ its own resources to complete the projects. 

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