July 4, 2024

Uganda criticizes Ruto over ‘Brookside’ milk controversy

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Uganda criticizes Ruto over 'Brookside' milk controversy

Frank Tumwebaze Ugandan Minister for Agriculture hits out at William Ruto over remarks concerning imported milk from Uganda

Frank Tumwebaze Ugandan Minister for Agriculture hits out at William Ruto over remarks concerning imported milk from Uganda. 

The minister voiced his reservations in a statement, calling Kenya’s attitude on Ugandan milk self-centered and out of step with the region’s larger goals.

Tumwebaze’s reaction was prompted by Ruto’s statements during a meeting with the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM).

While simultaneously depending on cheaper milk imports from Uganda, Ruto emphasized the government’s commitment to raising the value of Kenyan milk for export to West Africa and the rest of the continent at the conference.

Notably, Tumwebaze, a close ally of President Yoweri Museveni, pointed out the apparent contradiction in Ruto’s remarks. 

In contrast to Ruto’s present posture of relying on Ugandan milk, the minister noted that Kenya had previously banned the importation of milk products from Uganda.

“Well, the unpleasant connotations of the ‘Ugandan Cheap milk’ aside, how I wish the ‘talking’ was followed by the ‘walking’ & Kenya dairy board removed all its barriers of denying export permits to our milk exporters.

“A trade relationship built on selfishness will always play counter towards the EAC efforts!”

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Subsequently, in a separate statement on August 10, the minister further indicated that Kenya’s resolute stance on Uganda’s milk imports had led to promising opportunities. 

“We shall overcome, no worries! God is opening more markets!” The minister asserted.

Notably, on August 8, during his visit to the Mt Kenya region in Nyeri County, President William Ruto acknowledged encountering challenges due to his mention of specific countries over the thorny milk importation issue.

“I do not want to mention any names. I mentioned some countries recently, and I got into some problems,” Ruto stated at the time.

The decision to impose a ban on the import of milk products from Uganda by Kenya stemmed from concerns about some Kenyan companies exploiting the situation. 

The companies had been misusing the allowance to bring powdered milk into Kenya, rather than actual liquid milk.

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