July 2, 2024

“Uhuru always to blame” Ichung’wah accuses the former president of working to scuttle bipartisan talks

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"Uhuru always to blame" Ichung'wah accuses the former president of working to scuttle bipartisan talks

Co-chair in the National Dialogue committee Kimani Ichung'wah fires at former President Uhuru Kenyatta over reports he planned to scuttle bipartisan talks

Co-chair in the National Dialogue committee Kimani Ichung’wah fires at former President Uhuru Kenyatta over reports he planned to scuttle bipartisan talks.

In a message he shared on his social media platform castigated the former President over media reports that Uhuru held two meetings in a bid to scuttle bipartisan talks.

Ichung’wah questioned Uhuru on why he could be interested in scuttling the talks yet he had the honour of serving the country as president.

“Well, There it is on the talks saboteur. Two meetings to scuttle the talks!? Uhuru Kenyatta, You served the country as President for ten years. The greatest honour a nation can bestow on any citizen. While at it, You destroyed our economy and nation through State Capture. What else do you want?” Ichung’wah posed.

“Why scuttle that which is attempting to fix your mess? Can’t you let those with the temerity and intellect to fix your mess do it in peace?”

The Majority leader in the National Assembly further claimed that Uhuru Kenyatta was afraid that his successor would succeed where he failed.

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He asked the former President to take refuge in the fact that it is Kenyans who will benefit in the event the current government succeeds.

“Your fear that others may and will succeed where you failed is the height of pettiness. When we succeed, Kenyans will be the winners, not those you hate to see succeed. Live with it!”

The remarks come even as Uhuru earlier told off the Kenya Kwanza government leaders for blaming him for their failures.

Uhuru said the current regime had failed in its mandate and instead of living with it, they found a scapegoat in him.

“Every time one is unable to do what he should do they blame the past government, [with this trend] even if the wife has refused to give birth it will be blamed on us, but we are used to this,” Uhuru said.

“I had retired but I am praying for Kenya, I am praying for unity.”

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