June 26, 2024

US and EU diplomats raise concern over loss of lives during protests

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US and EU diplomats raise concern over loss of lives during protests

Western diplomats (US and EU) call for a truce between President William Ruto and Opposition leader Raila Odinga amid anti-govt protests

Western diplomats (US and EU) call for a truce between President William Ruto and Opposition leader Raila Odinga amid anti-govt protests.

At least 13 US and European ambassadors have called on President William Ruto and Azimio leader Raila Odinga to embrace dialogue to stop any further loss of lives.

In a joint statement, the ambassadors and High Commissioners said they are concerned by the violence and loss of lives.

Some of the 13 embassies that signed off the letter were Germany, Canada, the USA, Norway, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom among others. 

They expressed regret over the loss of property and life that were witnessed in the last few weeks during the Azimio la Umoja protests.

The US and EU diplomats insisted that they support efforts by the government and the opposition to find a peaceful and lasting solution.

“We are saddened by the loss of life and concerned by high levels of violence, including the use of live rounds and the destruction of property, during the recent demonstrations,” the Ambassadors and High Commissioners said.

“We recognize the daily hardships faced by many Kenyans and urge all parties to table concerns through a meaningful dialogue and resolve their differences peacefully to build the nation together, ensuring no further loss of life.”

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Their statement comes ahead of Azimio’s planned three-day protests that are expected to start on Wednesday, through to Friday.

Meanwhile, Azimio in a press briefing held on Tuesday midday, maintained that the protests would go on despite the pressure from the government and religious leaders.

“Even with the intimidation of withdrawal of security, Azimio confirms that the protests planned for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week are on as earlier announced.

“The use of force has been unnecessary and totally disproportionate. We have always appealed to our protesters to remain peaceful, and we urge them to continue doing so,” Azimio’s statement read in part.

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