July 3, 2024

War of words as David Ndii claims Ruto funded Karua to fight Uhuru and Raila

3 min read
War of words as David Ndii claims Ruto funded Karua to fight Uhuru and Raila

Karau and David Ndii in a bitter exchange over Claims Ruto funded Narc Kenya leader to fight Uhuru, Raila BBI initiative

Karau and David Ndii in a bitter exchange over Claims Ruto funded Narc Kenya leader to fight Uhuru, Raila BBI initiative.

On Sunday, July 16, Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua denied allegations made by Economic Advisor David Ndii that she had received financing from President William Ruto.

Ruto’s advisor said that they were supported financially by the Head of State while at Linda Katiba with the goal of undermining Raila Odinga and former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) plan.

Karua maintained in a statement that she did not get any support of any kind, and she said that the economic advisor at the President’s Office was lying and should and should tell Kenyans where he took the money. 

Karua, who is also Azimio La Umoja’s deputy leader, divulged that Ndii received money from Ruto for his case to challenge the BBI in court, but she was not part of the deal that secured the funding. 

“Towards the end, you did disclose to me that you had received financial support from William Ruto for your case against BBI. I was not a party to the said case and you were already in court when I joined Lindakatiba. You cannot drag me into your money deals then with Ruto,” she stated.

In her statements, Karua has also defended human rights activist Boniface Mwangi against claims that he also received part of the millions that Ruto sent to LindaKatiba in their war against the former head of state. 

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However, Karua maintains that he made it clear from the beginning to the end that she could not work with Ruto beyond defending the constitution.

It has not been clear how much Ruto advanced to the group during the year-long initiative against the push for constitutional changes. 

Ndii on Sunday, July 16, detailed some behind the scene deals in the formation of Linda Katiba. He accused Karua and Mwangi of challenging Ruto yet they received millions in perks. 

Ruto’s economic advisor even purported that Karua was among the front runners to deputize Ruto.

“Time for revelations. Linda Katiba was formed by myself and Martha with Ruto’s support. We even paid Boniface from WSR campaign money,” Ndii wrote.

Karua said that the activist used his money in the campaigns and not what Ndii had alleged. 

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