July 3, 2024

Who brokered the deal between President Ruto and Raila Odinga

3 min read
Who brokered the deal between President Ruto and Raila Odinga

President Ruto and Azimio leader Raila Odinga on Sunday buried the hatchet and agreed to iron their differences through dialogue

President Ruto and Azimio leader Raila Odinga on Sunday buried the hatchet and agreed to iron their differences through dialogue.

This is despite their earlier with each side not willing to back down on their stance.

Religious groups and the international community had intervened but all in vain.

However, political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi has alleged that retired President Uhuru Kenyatta is behind President Ruto’s truce with Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga. 

In a tweet on Sunday, April 2, Ngunyi lauded President Ruto and Raila for climbing down to agree on a truce. 

Ngunyi however pointed out that Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua should be left out of the dialogue between the two leaders.  

“Bravo President William Ruto. What you did today by climbing down was statesmanship. Babaman responded by climbing down too. Whatever you do hereafter, Keep Gachagua out of it. And I believe Uhuru Kenyatta brokered this deal,” he tweeted. 

In addition, Dadaab Member of Parliament Farah Maalim has opined that there were external forces that led to the declarations made by William Ruto and Raila Odinga on Sunday, April 2. 

Maalim dismissed claims that the religious community could have informed the decision by the key political players saying the Senator for Delaware in the United States of America Chris Coons was behind the brokered deal. 

The former deputy Speaker explained Coons talked to each one of them and asked them to stand down and lessen their firm stance.  

“The biggest game changer here is not the church or the religious sector, not the political class. The biggest game changer here is the American Senator Chris Coons who went and talked to everybody and told them to stand down,” Maalim opined. 

President Ruto in a state of the nation address on Sunday urged Raila to call off the demonstrations. 

He said he had listened to Raila’s demands and agreed to reconstitute the selection panel for the IEBC through a bipartisan parliamentary process.

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“I have carefully listened to the issues raised by my friend Raila Odinga. In times like these, it is not about who is right or who is wrong. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak but it is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

“I urge my brother Raila Odinga and the opposition to call off demonstrations and give a bipartisan approach a chance for us to take Kenya forward,” the president said. 

Raila who also addressed the nation at his Capitol Hill office agreed to call off the demos and push his demands through the parliament.

“William Ruto has issued what I regard as an important statement, we have met and listened to a lot of people, including religious leaders, they have implored us to give dialogue a chance.

“We acknowledge the olive branch on dialogue, this is a positive development. We agree to a balanced parliamentary proceed co-chaired by both sides, this committee must be done immediately, including all arrests and prosecution related to demos,” he said.

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