July 3, 2024

Why Azimio is delaying the naming of the 2027 flagbearer; Insider

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Why Azimio is delaying the naming of the 2027 flagbearer; Insider

Opiyo Wandayi says the Azimio La Umoja Coalition will remain silent on the flagbearer for the 2027 general elections

Opiyo Wandayi says the Azimio La Umoja Coalition will remain silent on the flagbearer for the 2027 general elections.

National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi has revealed that the Azimio la Umoja coalition party will hold off on naming its presidential candidate until it deems fit.

The lawmaker claims that the coalition knows that naming their frontman at this time will be premature because the political landscape is likely to change before the next election cycle.

However, Wandayi insisted that the members of the coalition will unequivocally back whoever will be named as flagbearer.

“As a political coalition it is our view that once the opposition makes a decision at an opportune time as to who shall fly the flag, we shall support that person wholeheartedly,” Wandayi said in an interview with Daily Nation.

“It could be Azimio, it could be something else but again you know that 2027 is still very far. The political landscape is going to change there will be alignments and realignments between now and the next election.”

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This comes in the midst of political trepidation around the endorsement of one of the Azimio principles—Raila Odinga or Kalonzo Musyoka—to run for president.

However, Wandayi declared that attention should not be on the two political flamboyants and that the floor will be available to everyone wishing to run for the high office.

“Raila Odinga has more than the capacity to be president of the county, Kalonzo also has the credentials and so are many others within the Azimio coalition,” added Wandayi.

Meanwhile, Kalonzo has vowed to stage the stiffest competition against President William Ruto in the 2027 General Election.

Raila Odinga on the other hand has remained tight-lipped on whether he will be in the presidential race despite earlier seeming to endorse Kalonzo.

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