June 29, 2024

You’re sucker to trust government, Ruto’s economic advisor David Ndii tells Kenyans after spike in fuel prices

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You're a sucker to trust government, Ruto's economic advisor David Ndii tells Kenyans after spike in fuel prices

Ruto's economic advisor David Ndii tells Kenyans not to trust government as he responds to queries on spike in fuel prices

Ruto’s economic advisor David Ndii tells Kenyans not to trust government as he responds to queries over the spike in fuel prices.

President William Ruto’s economic advisor David Ndii has elicited mixed reactions over his comments in which he highlighted reservations about trusting politicians and the government.

In response to questions from concerned Kenyans about a rise in fuel prices, Ndii reaffirmed that the current situation is the result of a borrowing spree started by the previous administration, of which he had warned Kenyans.

Ndii said it was unrealistic for Kenyans to think that a change in administration would result in a “overnight” improvement in the nation’s fortunes.

He boldly declared, “I don’t believe politicians, and I don’t trust government. If you do either you are a sucker.”

Ndii further wondered how Kenyans could anticipate economic recovery following years of ongoing borrowing by prior administrations.

He compared it to a game of musical chairs and questioned the idea that Kenya could amass debt for a decade and then miraculously resolve the ensuing issues through elections.

He remarked, “Are we sober? I told you two years ago Kenya was in receivership. Nothing has changed.”

Ndii clarified that his intention was to fulfill his civic duty by informing Kenyans about the harsh realities they might face, suggesting that some government policies might not yield positive results.

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He emphasized, “I’m not a politician, and I don’t peddle false hope. This journey may be painful, and success is not guaranteed. Even highly trained doctors from prestigious institutions like Oxford and Harvard lose patients.

His comments elicited mixed reactions, with some opposition politicians praising his remarks. 

Nairobi Senator and Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Secretary-General Edwin Sifuna remarked, “It’s difficult not to appreciate David Ndii. He’s revealing that Kenya Kwanza is a government of trial and error. It’s all guesswork. ‘Doctor’ Ruto appears clueless. Kenya is the patient in this scenario.”

In explaining the recent fuel price hike by the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA), Ndii stated that such oil shocks were normal in a country experiencing rising inflation and interest rates due to global supply challenges.

According to fuel prices released by EPRA on Thursday, petrol, diesel, and kerosene prices increased by Ksh16.96, Ksh21.32, and Ksh33.13 per liter, respectively, and will now retail at Ksh211.64, Ksh200.99, and Ksh202.61 in Nairobi.

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