March 29, 2025

TSC to prioritize on teachers with diploma upgrade certificate in the upcoming recruitment

TSC to prioritize on teachers with diploma upgrade certificate in the upcoming recruitment

TSC to prioritize on teachers with diploma upgrade certificate; who took CBTE in the upcoming recruitment

TSC to prioritize on teachers with diploma upgrade certificate; who took CBTE in the upcoming recruitment.

P1 teachers who completed Competency Based Teacher Education would receive preference from the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) (CBTE).

Teachers will have an advantage during the next recruiting interviews, the TSC said in a statement about the hiring of teachers.

“Teachers with Upgrade Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (CBC) will have an added advantage,” TSC said in the advert.

TSC has listed 9,000 teaching posts on Permanent and Pensionable Terms of Service for Secondary School Teachers to be posted to Junior Secondary Schools.

1,000 posts on Permanent and Pensionable terms of service for Primary School Teachers. 21,550 posts for Teacher Interns in Junior Secondary Schools and 4,000 posts for Teacher Interns in Primary Schools.

The recruitment of teachers is through the TSC online recruitment portal and will end on 16th December 2022.

The Kenya National Examination CouncilKenya National Examination Council (Knec) already released results for the first cohorts of P1 Diploma Upgraders this month.

The results were sent to various Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs). Results show many students failed in the Knec assessments which they did from 15th July to 20th July 2022.

In Kericho TTC a total of 644 students did exams for the upgrading of Primary Teacher Education (PTE) to Diploma Primary Teacher Education (DPTE).

In the results sent to the college 360 students got Credit, 10 got Pass, 20 got CRNM (Course Requirement Not Met) and 253 got Referrals. 1 candidate had his exams canceled.

In Kibabi TTC out of 218 students who sat for the exams in July, 57 got Credit, 46 got Pass, 2 got CRNM, 112 got Referred and 1 had his exam Cancelled.

In Meru TTC 384 students did the upgrading. 265 got Credit, 25 got Pass, 80 got Referred and 14 got CRNM.

In Egoji TTC out of 294 students 184 got Credit, 5 got Pass, 100 got Referred and 5 got CRNM.

In Shanzu TTC 237 students got Credit, 19 had Pass, 69 got Referrals and 4 got CRNM.

The trainee teachers also did their Practicum which took the whole of the last school term. The trainees had their external assessments courtesy of Knec which ran up to 4th November.

Category of teachers to be prioritized in the 30,000 recruitment drive

TSC issues a list of teachers not eligible for the ongoing recruitment

Both P1 and ECDE instructors should take the required training, according to a task force’s recommendation, in order to meet the demands of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). In October of last year, the initial cohorts began their training.

In September of this year, the second cohort began. In response to the low enrollment, just eight TTCs are to be used to train the instructors this year, according to a circular dated October 6, 2022, given to TTC Principals.

TSC Recruitment SCORE SHEET FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS( Teachers With Diploma Upgrade Certificate Prioritized In Upcoming Recruitment )


Professional P1 qualifications  

6 -14 points ——————————————————— 40

15 – 26 points——————————————————– 35

27 – 38 points ——————————————————- 30

39 – 52 points ——————————————————- 25

53 – 64 points ——————————————————- 20

NB: The score does not include teaching practice.


Evidence of internship service  

Served for three (3) years ————————————- 15

Served for two (2) years ————————————— 10

Currently serving the first year of internship ———— 05


Length of stay since qualifying as a teacher

i. 2015 and before ————————————— 35

ii. 2016 ——————————————————— 30

iii. 2017 ——————————————————— 25

iv. 2018 ——————————————————— 20

v. 2019 ——————————————————— 15

vi. 2020 ——————————————————— 10

vii. 2021 and after ——————————————- 05


Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (CBC Upgrade) 15

Grand Total 100

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TSC updates teachers’ promotion and salary increment guide 2022/2023

TSC announces interview dates for mass teacher recruitment

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