July 3, 2024

You have until midnight to respond to our demands; Raila to Ruto

2 min read
You have until midnight to respond to our demands; Raila to Ruto

Raila gives President William Ruto until the Wednesday midnight ultimatum to respond to Azimio coalition demands

Raila gives President William Ruto until the Wednesday midnight ultimatum to respond to Azimio coalition demands.

While speaking at Parliament Buildings on Wednesday, March 07, Raila warned Ruto had until Wednesday midnight, March 8, to respond to Azimio La Umoja’s demands. 

Raila remarked that time was running against the head of state who was yet to address their grievances. 

“The deadline is today at midnight, so expect to hear from us on Thursday morning, March 9,” the Azimio leader cautioned. 

Raila, on February 22, gave the government a 14-day ultimatum to address the high cost of living, recruitment of Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC) commissioners, and opening of its servers.

The Azimio leader did not rule out mass action if the demands were unmet.

In addition, Raila Odinga dismissed the panel assembled to choose the new IEBC commissioners.

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He, however, played cagey with the press, declining to be pushed into giving a concrete answer on whether he would confront Ruto. 

“That is a sham, I have nothing to talk about it,” he told the press.

While issuing the ultimatum, Raila Odinga criticized the government for holding prayer rallies when Kenyans were grappling with the high cost of living. 

“These are hypocrites who flock to the church every Sunday but are the biggest sinners after that,” he remarked while attending a prayer rally at Jevanjee Gardens.

“Withdrawal of subsidies to food and education during drought and famine was reckless and heartless. Consequently, the subsidies must be restored, and the cost of basic commodities and taxes must come down in the next 14 days,” he ordered.

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