July 3, 2024

Inside Biden, Ruto phone call following approval of Haiti mission

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Inside Biden, Ruto phone call following approval of Haiti mission

US President Biden calls Ruto, thanks him after approval of Haiti police deployment by UN Security Council

US President Biden calls Ruto, thanks him after approval of Haiti police deployment by UN Security Council.

US President Joe Biden phoned his Kenyan counterpart William Ruto following the United Nation’s decision to grant Kenya the greenlight to deploy its police to Haiti.

The phone contact, according to a statement from the White House, was made on Tuesday night, hours after the UN Security Council approved the mission.

Biden praised Ruto for Kenya’s audacious decision to send 1,000 police to Haiti in order to bring peace to the nation that has been plagued by violence for many years.

The US President, on the other hand, took the time to express support for the Kenya-led initiative, which is scheduled to begin in 2024.

“President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke with President William Ruto of Kenya today to thank him for answering Haiti’s call to serve as the lead nation of the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission,” the White House documented. 

Additionally, the duo also conversed over the Africa Climate Summit that Ruto held in September.

“President Biden also congratulated President Ruto for hosting the recently concluded Africa Climate Summit and expressed appreciation for the U.S.-Kenya strategic partnership, which is founded on a pursuit of shared solutions to global challenges. 

Biden is said to have expressed appreciation for the U.S.-Kenya strategic partnership, which he noted is founded on a pursuit of shared solutions to global challenges.

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“Together, they discussed additional opportunities to promote regional security and mutual prosperity by spurring new investments, jobs, and sustainable growth,” read the White House statement in part.

In a separate statement, Ruto also highlighted that the partnership between the countries in infrastructure, renewable energy, and green manufacturing also dominated the call, reported to have lasted for close to 30 minutes.

Empowering Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) also formed part of the agenda for the Tuesday call.

Meanwhile, Kenya is set to formalise the Haiti-led operation, which Parliament should authorise before the Police deployment.

The government is expected to table the motion in Parliament in the coming days.

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