July 2, 2024

Chaos in church after bishop demands prado from congregants

3 min read
Chaos in a church after bishop demands prado from congregants

Church service in Nairobi cut short after congregants hold protest after their bishop demands a prado

Church service in Nairobi cut short after congregants hold protest after their bishop demands a prado.

A congregation from a church in Kawangware Nairobi County on Sunday caused chaos after refusing to meet the demands of the lead bishop who wanted a car from church members.

The church service had to be cut after the members aired out their complaints.

Members of the church held placards bearing the words, ‘Bishop Must Go’ while chanting demanding the bishop to leave.

According to the churchgoers, the bishop had requested the members to buy him Prado a TX but they were unable to. The bishop argued that he was constantly embarrassed when he met up with other pastors who drove big vehicles.

However, the members complained that they were not in a good financial position to meet the pastor’s demands.

According to reports, the bishop was enraged by the fact that the congregation had saved an amount running into a few millions to purchase a school bus, which he interpreted as them refusing to honour his wishes.

They demanded that the bishop must leave the church since he was uncontented with the decision taken by the members.

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Others claimed that the bishop often attacked the church elders while preaching, adding to their grievances.

“I was his interpreter for a long time and I have been depressed since some of his preaching is of war, and castigating the members. He does this especially when we have guests,” one of the church leaders complained.

The members further asked the leaders to intervene and transfer the said pastor due to the alleged sabotage of the church’s projects.

Additionally, they accused the bishop of attempting to replace the bank signatories with his proxies. Members argued that this was a plot to misuse the church’s funds.

Other issues in contention at the church were the use of funds from the school and a water-selling business.

One faction of the church demanded to see the records of how much money the two ventures bring in and how the funds are spent.

“There is no way, money cannot be withdrawn from the church’s account without the knowledge of the treasurer,” another leader lamented.

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