July 8, 2024

CS Kindiki terms 2027 election talk in Mt Kenya as primitive

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CS Kindiki terms 2027 election talk in Mt Kenya as primitive

Interior Cabinet Secretary (CS) Kithure Kindiki has termed the current debate on Mt Kenya succession politics in 2027 primitive

Interior Cabinet Secretary (CS) Kithure Kindiki has termed the current debate on Mt Kenya succession politics in 2027 primitive. 

In a statement on Tuesday, January 23, CS Kindiki noted that engaging in the 2027 elections barely a year after a general election is tactless.  

“Political talk about the 2027 or other future elections a year after a General Election is tactless, anti-people and primitive. It is a blot on the maturity of our democracy remarked Kiniki. 

CS Kindiki noted that he had been assigned a sensitive docket by President William Ruto that needed maximum attention and not the side shows of succession politics.  

CS Kindiki added that his name should not be dragged into the current debate by a section of Mt Kenya leaders.  

“President Ruto has assigned me the role of championing his Administration’s programs for the transformation of our Country into a sustainably safe homeland for this and future generations. This sensitive role demands relentless focus and total abstinence from all manner of distracting misadventures. 

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“The ongoing debate ought to stop, but if it must proceed, I respectfully request that my name should not be dragged into it. May God bless Kenya,” CS Kindiki said. 

At the same time, President Ruto has urged UDA leaders to step down from any contests whether now or in the future, and focus on service delivery.  

“I want to ask leaders in Kenya Kwanza and UDA to step down from any contestations for whatever position, whether present or future so that we can work together and focus on delivering to the people of Kenya to ensure that we keep our promise and discharge our commitments,” said Ruto. 

The Head of State urged young leaders to be patient reminding leaders in UDA that he and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua promised to mentor them. 

“Riggy G and I have a plan. We agreed to provide mentorship to these young politicians, but they should go slow and not rush us because going too fast will spoil things,” Ruto added. 

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