July 3, 2024

Ruto praises Raila style of leadership

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Ruto praises Raila style of leadership

President Ruto says Raila Odinga will deliver as AUC chairperson as he praises his style of leadership

President Ruto says Raila Odinga will deliver as AUC chairperson as he praises his style of leadership

President William Ruto has reaffirmed his belief in Raila Odinga as a perfectly suited candidate for the African Union Commission Chairmanship

Speaking during a two-day visit of President Museveni to Kenya on Thursday, May 16, Ruto stated that he was appreciative of Uganda’s support for Raila’s candidature.

“I have expressed to President Museveni and the people of Uganda the appreciation of Kenyans from all walks of life for Uganda’s endorsement of the Kenyan candidate for the position of AUC Chairperson and I assured him of our full confidence that Raila will deliver effective leadership at the commission, stated Ruto.

While the President has continued to drum up support for Raila’s candidature, competition for the AU’s top seat has continued to intensify.

This comes after on Wednesday, Seychelles fronted a new candidate for the position endorsing Vincent Meriton, their former Vice President and former Foreign Affairs Minister.

In the same race, Djibouti and Somalia have also fronted candidates that have posed hurdles for Kenya’s opposition leader’s bid.

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Djibouti on April 9 announced that it was fronting its Foreign Minister, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf to vie for the position.

The Eastern African country, while fielding their candidate expressed their confidence in their minister stating that he had adequate experience to handle the docket.

“Djibouti expresses faith in the capacity of Mahamoud Ali Youssouf, a man of experience and a seasoned diplomat, “ read the communication in part.

On the other hand, Somalia fronted its former Foreign Minister Fawzia Adam, terming her as a seasoned diplomat to run for AU’s top job.

Adding on to the increased hurdles for Raila’s bid Somalia announced the creation of a strategy aimed at having their candidate clinch the seat.

Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre appointed an 8-member team that will develop a formula and lobby for Fawzia to defeat Azimio Leader Raila Odinga who is eyeing the same position.

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