July 3, 2024

Anonymous Hacker Group warns President Ruto over Finance Bill, 2024 protests (VIDEO)

4 min read
Anonymous Hacker Group warns President Ruto over Finance Bill, 2024 protests

Hacker Group Anonymous joins Kenya's Finance Bill, 2024 protests by sending a warning to President William Ruto

Hacker Group Anonymous joins Kenya’s Finance Bill, 2024 protests by sending a warning to President William Ruto.

Anonymous, the decentralized international activist and hacktivist collective, has joined the heated Kenyan Occupy Parliament conversation by sending out a tough and indisputable warning to the President and the Parliament of Kenya regarding the contentious Finance Bill, 2024.

Taking to their X account, where they boast over 5 million followers, Anonymous published a one-minute video in which they characteristically read out a clear warning to the powers-that-be, promising dire consequences if the plight of Kenyans was ignored.

In their characteristic voice, Anonymous made their message crystal clear, mentioning the President by name and even signing out in a ‘Swahili’ salute, as if to stamp the correspondence and leave no grey areas.

The statement began: “Greetings, Citizens of the world. This is a warning message to William Ruto, the Kenyan Government, and all members of parliament from Anonymous. It has come to our attention that there are discussions in parliament to pass the Finance Bill, which will unfairly tax the citizens of Kenya.”

“Kenyan citizens attempting peaceful demonstrations are being unfairly harassed, arrested, and shot at with live bullets by the police force under your command.”

They went on to reveal that they were aware that phone numbers belonging to legislators were circulating online, further warning that there could be potential cyber-attacks from hackers – some of whom reside in Kenya.

“Soon, there will be an uprising of hackers, many of whom may reside in your home country. Your secrets may no longer be safe, and there is a chance that allw these secrets will be exposed to show how corrupt and unjust members of this parliament are, embezzling public funds for personal gain,” they said.

Clearly demonstrating that they were on top of things, and were keeping tabs on the upcoming protests, the group went on to warn that if Kenyan parliamentarians did not heed the cry of the people, there would be resistance whose results would potentially be disastrous.

“On Thursday, the 20th of June, Kenyans will march and #OccupyParliament. We do not want you to amend the Finance Bill; we want you to reject it,” they warned. 

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“Listen to the cries of your citizens, or the people of the world will resist you every step of the way. Citizens of Kenya, do not worry, Tuko Pamoja! We are Anonymous, We are Legion, Expect us!”

Anonymous are known globally for their far-reaching cyber attacks against organizations and governments they accuse of corruption or injustice and have a long history of high-profile strikes.

Their notable achievements include hacking into the websites of major corporations like Sony and PayPal, as well as government entities such as the CIA and the Church of Scientology.

They also played a significant role in the historic Arab Swing protests which rocked the Arab world toppling various Arab dictators, from Tunisia to Egypt.

While they have made their presence felt in various high-stakes conflicts around the world, attacking multiple top nations and causing massive damages to leaders and authoritarians, this is Anonymous’ first attempt at interfering with Kenyan political affairs.

Members, known as anons, often wear Guy Fawkes masks, to maintain anonymity. Some also use voice changers or text-to-speech programs.

On Thursday, June 20, Kenyans across the country will, yet again, take to the streets to make their feelings known on the contentious Finance Bill, 2024. Protests have been confirmed in various towns and in all major cities including Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu.

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