July 3, 2024

All food imports should be taken to State House for testing before distribution to Kenyans; Azimio MP

3 min read
All food imports should be taken to State House for testing before distribution to Kenyans; Azimio MP

Azimio lawmaker wants State House occupants to taste all food imports before they're released to Kenyans amidst reports of importation of poisonous edible oil

Azimio lawmaker wants State House occupants to taste all food imports before they’re released to Kenyans amidst reports of importation of poisonous edible oil.

A new proposal is being considered by Busia County Woman Representative Catherine Omanyo would require President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel to taste any imported food items prior to their distribution to the general public.

Speaking to a group of worshippers in Busia County, the legislator emphasized that the bill will ensure the security of all food products that are imported into the nation, such as rice, corn, and cooking oil.

“When that cooking oil arrives in Kenya, it should be taken to State House for two weeks before it is distributed to shops,” she insisted.

“Everything imported at Mombasa should be taken to State House for President William Ruto and Rachel before selling it to us. I am preparing a bill, and I hope Moses Wetangula (National Assembly speaker) will approve, to ensure that every imported good including sugar, oil, and chocolate should go to State House.”

The lawmaker also poked holes in the quality verification process applied to the importation of cooking oil, arguing that experts should have detected any anomaly during the production and packaging stages.

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“They imported cooking oil which is unfit for human consumption. I don’t think they had good intentions for Kenyans. Where was the government during the planning and packing stages for importation? They were busy taxing us,” she added.

Her comments follow the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) ruling that a shipment that Ruto’s government had ordered was unsafe for human consumption.

In a letter directing the shipments to be diverted back to the country of origin, KEBS noted that the oil did not comply with Vitamin A and Insoluble Impurities standards.

“The consignments have been rejected and the importer is hereby advised to reship them back to the country of origin within 30 days from the date of this letter, failure to which they shall be destroyed at the importer’s cost,” read the letter from KEBS in part.

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