July 4, 2024

Azimio tables list of FIVE issues of discussion in the bipartisan team while Kenya Kwanza presents SEVEN

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Azimio tables list of FIVE issues of discussion in the bipartisan team while Kenya Kwanza presents SEVEN

Azimio and Kenya Kwanza coalitions tables list of items of discussion as the bipartisan team kicks off its work

Azimio and Kenya Kwanza coalitions tables list of items of discussion as the bipartisan team kicks off its work.

The much-awaited bipartisan talk kicked off in earnest with the ruling Kenya Kwanza and opposition Azimio teams agreeing that they will take 60 days to agree on the issues in contention.

The team agreed to have 12 key issues that will guide the talks for the first 30 days.

From the 12, the Kenya Kwanza Administration tabled seven and Azimio five.

Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition has listed five issues of discussion in the bi-partisan talks with the Kenya Kwanza alliance.

Top on the list is the cost of living which the coalition said it must be addressed by the Kenya Kwanza government.

In a letter by Rarieda Member of Parliament (MP) Otiende Amallo, the coalition also listed an audit of the 2022 presidential elections results, restructuring and reconstitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), measures to prevent interference with political parties and outstanding constitutional matters.

In constitutional matters, the coalition wants governance issues; effective checks and balances; and the question of boundaries delimitation discussed.

The Kenya Kwanza issues which were presented by Kakamega Senator Bonny Khalwale include; the reconstitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries IEBC commissioner selection panel, realisation of the two-thirds gender rule in the National Assembly, entrenchment of the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) in law and the Constitution, and entrenching the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) and the Senate Oversight Funds in the Constitution.

Kenya Kwanza also proposed creation of the office of Leader of the Opposition.

According to Khalwale, “resolving insecurity problems, including banditry and urban gangs, and proposing measures to deal with impunity on the part of those who should bear responsibility” was also an issue to be discussed.

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The Kenya Kwanza team also wants a legal tool that will give effect to Article 37 of the Constitution, regulate the conduct, and assign responsibilities to different parties, including organisers of demonstrations.

To forestall a repeat of the events of August 15, last year at the Bomas of Kenya national presidential election results tallying centre, when chaos marred the declaration of presidential election results, Kenya Kwanza wants reforms that will ensure closure of electoral outcomes for post-election peace and national stability. Further, the team said they want a review of legal, policy and administrative safeguards to protect government and State institutions from State capture.

The list of issues for discussion comes after the Azimio leader Raila Odinga hit out at the Kenya Kwanza government for crippling Jubilee Party.

Raila said the demand by a section of Jubilee members to be included in the bi-partisan talks is “state-sponsored”.

“It would have been easy for Azimio to ignore these attempts by errant Jubilee members who now pledge loyalty to UDA were it not that these actions are sponsored from the highest levels of the Kenya Kwanza regime.

“The attack on Azimio is, therefore, a State-sponsored assault on multipartysm and a continuing indication that Kenya Kwanza remains dishonest and contemptuous of the process of dialogue where respect for the autonomy of political parties is one of our agenda,” Raila said.

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