July 2, 2024

Azimio vows to continue demonstrating even if the Unga price goes down

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Azimio vows to continue demonstrating even if the Unga price goes down

Azimio demands the return of subsidies to lower Unga prices even as they vow to continue with demonstrations after the suspension of talks

Azimio demands the return of subsidies to lower Unga prices even as they vow to continue with demonstrations after the suspension of talks.

After bipartisan negotiations with the leader of the opposition, Raila Odinga, broke down, President William Ruto is under pressure to reinstate the failed subsidy program that was started by his predecessor, Uhuru Kenyatta. 

On Tuesday, April 26, Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni said that lowering Unga pricing alone was insufficient to convince Azimio La Umoja to end his protests.

Kioni revealed that Azimio will continue with demonstrations even if the Unga price goes down.

“When we say the cost of living should go down, we do not mean that you reduce the price of maize flour.

“We are still going to demonstrate even if the price of Unga gets reduced,” Kioni clarified Azimio’s position going forward while speaking in an interview with TV47

The SG called for the immediate reinstatement of the subsidy program that had been introduced by Uhuru’s administration, arguing that the suspension necessitated the high cost of living. 

“Every government around the world protects its citizens through offering subsidy programs on food commodities.

“It is not a new concept in Kenya and it should be brought back or else we will continue wearing Sufurias on our heads,” Kioni warned.

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In further demands, Kioni revealed that the coalition advocated for free education for all students as another irreducible minimum before calling off demonstrations.

“We want to see free education for university and secondary school students as envisioned by the former administration,” the Jubilee SG quipped.

Kioni further remarked that they would continue pressuring the government to lower electricity prices, arguing that it was a key index in lowering the cost of living.

Ruto terminated the food subsidy program on September 13, 2022, arguing that it was a loophole used by a few individuals to siphon public funds.

“We are not going to be subsidizing consumption, we are going to work and support producers.

“The subsidy that was done I was being briefed by the Agriculture Ministry, the taxpayer was paying Ksh7 billion every month that could not be accounted for,” Ruto noted while discontinuing the program. 

Reports had alleged that Ruto was advised by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to remove the program, which it argued was regressive. 

Despite acknowledging that it offered the government guidance on subsidies, IMF refuted claims that it coerced the President to revert Uhuru’s directives. 

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, April 25, Azimio and the government momentarily called off bipartisan talks that had sought to address grievances raised by Azimio.

“We have hit a stalemate and choose to suspend these talks until such time as there may be consensus or position changes,” Amollo stated.

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