July 3, 2024

Chief of Defence Forces (KDF) Francis Ogolla apologizes to President Ruto

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Chief of Defence Forces (KDF) Francis Ogolla apologizes to President Ruto

KDF Chief, Francis Ogolla apologizes to President Ruto after failing to recognize First Lady Rachel Ruto at a military event

KDF Chief, Francis Ogolla apologizes to President Ruto after failing to recognize First Lady Rachel Ruto at a military event.

The Chief of Defense Forces, Francis Ogolla, apologized to President William Ruto on Saturday after failing to recognise First Lady Rachel Ruto during the Kenya Defence Forces Day celebrations in Embakasi, Nairobi.

Ogolla acknowledged making a mistake in his salutation and requested to amend it at the end of his speech. 

The KDF boss had only recognised the Cabinet Secretary for Defence, Aden Duale, and his colleagues, and the Speaker of the Senate, Amason Kingi. 

“Before I invite your Excellency, I want to make an apology. When I was going through the salutations, I discovered I did not recognize her Excellency, the First Lady. I apologize to you, Your Excellency,” KDF boss Francis Ogolla stated while offering a salute as a gesture of respect to the President.

In his speech, the KDF boss lauded the soldiers for their unwavering efforts in maintaining peace in the country.

“Our observance of KDF day is not a recent tradition. It holds a deep-rooted significance in our national memory. The seeds of this commemoration were sown back in the year October 2011 when our soldiers launched Operation Linda Nchi,” he noted.

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“In the phase of daunting challenges, recognizing the importance of their sacrifice and to engrave the monumental operation into the annals of our history.”

President Ruto also praised the KDF for showing patriotism, unity, perseverance, and resilience in their duties. 

“It is our duty and privilege to use every opportunity to express our gratitude as citizens of Kenya to you, our men and women in uniform, and very specifically, Kenya Defence Forces,” he explained.

“On behalf of Kenyans, I acknowledge you for your noble sacrifice, silent labour, quiet heroism, and unseen effort to keep peace. It is never easy but go forward bravely and get the job done, one way or another.”

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