June 26, 2024

DPP breaks silence over brutal murder of Meru blogger Sniper

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DPP breaks silence over brutal murder of Meru blogger Sniper

The office of DPP clarifies on failing to give direction on the arrest of a suspect in the murder of blogger Sniper

The office of DPP clarifies on failing to give direction on the arrest of a suspect in the murder of blogger Sniper

The Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (ODPP) has denied reports alleging that it failed to give directions following the arrest of the main suspect in the murder of blogger Daniel Muthiani Bernard famously known as Snipper.

In a statement dated Wednesday, December 27, DPP noted that following the abduction of Daniel Muthiani Bernard, one Vincent Muriithi Kirimi also known as Supuu Wa Mioro(suspect) was arrested.

Since the whereabouts of the abducted person was unknown, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), through the ODPP filed Criminal Miscellaneous Application No. E116 of 2023 seeking custodial orders pending completion of investigations.

However, the suspect was released on a cash bail.

“The Chief Magistrate’s court in Maua, Meru County declined to grant custodial orders as sought by the DCI through the ODPP but instead granted the suspect a cash bail of Kshs 20,000.00 and ordered the suspect to report to the police station every 14 days. The court also set the application for mention on 5th January 2024,” DPP stated.

After the suspect’s release, the body of the blogger was recovered dead. 

This compelled DPP to direct DCI to investigate the murder of the blogger.

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However, DPP noted that DCI is yet to forward a file on the inquiry.

“The ODPP has not received the inquiry file into the offence of murder to date. Upon receipt of the inquiry file for murder and any other charges disclosed by the evidence gathered, the ODPP shall give appropriate directions in accordance with the law,” DPP made it clear.

The death of the Meru-based blogger has sparked uproar with Dennis Itumbi leading the charge in calling for justice.

His family alleged that he was tortured before being killed and later his body doused in acid.

They are calling for various investigative agencies to find the perpetrators of the heinous act.

According to reports, Meru blogger Daniel Muthiani alis Sniper went missing on December 2 after receiving a call from the main suspect.

Reports indicate that the suspect was planning to arrange a meet-up with a senior politician regarding claims he had made about them on social media.

The blogger was later discovered dead and a post-mortem report by the chief government pathologist revealed that he was tortured before being strangled to death. 

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