July 3, 2024

EACC orders suspension of top ministry official over ‘fake’ engineering degree

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EACC orders suspension of top ministry official over ‘fake’ engineering degree

EACC seeks suspension of Engineer Mugo, a top official at the Ministry of Transport over his alleged forged academic papers

EACC seeks suspension of Engineer Mugo, a top official at the Ministry of Transport over his alleged forged academic papers

The Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission says it has written to the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Roads, requiring the suspension of a senior Ministry Official who secured his job as a government roads engineer using a fake degree in civil engineering.

In its statement, EACC wants Roads Superintendent Engineer Kenneth Kamumu Mugo suspended from his duties over alleged forgery charges.

According to the anti-graft body the alleged fake degree is reported to be from the University of Nairobi.

In a letter addressed to the Roads Principal Secretary Engineer Joseph Mbugua, the commission said Mugo forged his Bachelor’s Degree certificate which he has been using to acquire jobs.

 “The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has written to the Principal Secretary, Ministry of Roads and Transport requiring him to suspend ‘Engineer’ Kenneth Kamumbu Mugo, currently Superintendent Engineer of Roads, at the State Department of Roads in the Ministry of Roads and Transport, who the Commission found to have forged his Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering purporting it to be issued by the University of Nairobi in 2006,” said EACC.

The forgery allegations against Mugo were first raised in 2016 when he was the director of Roads and Transport in Kiambu County.

The issue was then forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions who gave consent to charge Mugo for forgery.

After being exposed, Mugo resigned from the position in 2018 but was later appointed as the Superintendent Engineer in the Ministry of Roads in 2020.

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According to EACC, Mugo 2009 enrolled for a Post-Graduate Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit in JKUAT in 2009 using a fake certificate.

He then acquired a Master of Science Degree in Environmental Legislation and Management awarded in 2012 and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree in Environmental Technology, all at JKUAT.

However, upon realization, JKUAT withdrew the Master’s and Postgraduate Certificates which had already been awarded and discontinued him from the Ph.D. studies.

He was arrested and charged before Kiambu Anti-Corruption Court on December 15, 2023, where he pleaded not guilty.

Mugo was released on a cash bail of Sh500,000. However, the matter will be coming to court for pre-trial on January 15, 2024

The Commission said it has filed criminal charges at Kiambu Law Courts and is also pursuing recovery of the salaries and benefits earned based on the forged academic certificates.

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