July 3, 2024

Government launches Diaspora Placement Agency for jobs facilitation in abroad

2 min read
Government launches Diaspora Placement Agency for jobs facilitation in abroad

The government proposes a Diaspora Placement Agency whose mandate will be placing Kenyans in jobs abroad

The government proposes a Diaspora Placement Agency whose mandate will be placing Kenyans in jobs abroad.

In a draft proposal named the Diaspora Policy 2024, the State Department for Diaspora Affairs (SDDA) has explained that the agency would regulate migration in ethical ways.

“This has led to Government interventions that will ensure international job placements are ethical, well-coordinated and backed by national and international legal frameworks, explained the draft.

Further, the agency will be tasked with curbing the haphazard and uncoordinated infringements of the rights of Kenyans working abroad.

According to the draft policy, the placement agency will also be seeking to leverage the demand for the Kenyan workforce in the diaspora.

Based on SDDA’s document, Kenyan workers are in high demand because on their skills including; competency, proficiency in English among other marketable traits.

However, the State Department explained that despite the demand for Kenyan workers abroad, there was a bottleneck in having some nations approve Kenyan qualifications and accreditations.

As such, the government aims to have Kenyan papers accredited in different countries to address the bottleneck.

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“Support the accreditation and endorsement of Kenya’s qualifications and skills with those of foreign countries for easy access to higher education and foreign jobs by Kenyans living in the diaspora through collaboration with the relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs)”, the draft reads.

The agency’s mandate will also span towards establishing a mechanism for collaboration with private recruitment associations in ensuring the placement of Kenyans abroad.

Further, the government will also aim to develop a database that will record the expertise, skills and knowledge of Kenyans in the diaspora.

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Kenyan diaspora was estimated to be at 4 million by the end of 2022, with the government aiming to increase remittances collected from the diaspora to Ksh4 trillion by the end of the year.

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