July 2, 2024

Kalonzo hits out at government over ’empty coffers’ narrative

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Kalonzo hits out at government over 'empty coffers' narrative

Kalonzo says there's no justification over the 'empty coffers' narrative by the government for not fulfilling their pledges

Kalonzo says there’s no justification over the ’empty coffers’ narrative by the government for not fulfilling their pledges.

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has slammed the Kenya Kwanza government over their continued narrative that they found empty coffers.

Speaking on TV47 on Sunday, Kalonzo stressed that since the Kenya Kwanza administration has been in office for a year, there should be no excuse for them to break their commitments to the people of Kenya.

Kalonzo said the ’empty coffers’ narrative is hard to believe, adding that, given that current data shows the government collecting nearly Sh900 million per day through e-Citizen.

“Who can believe that story because have we not seen that in a day they are collecting Sh900 million through e-Citizen, a year is gone nobody should have any excuse,” Kalonzo said.

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“There is no evidence of what they are saying about empty coffers, we hear that story, it is a very easy narrative to get away with, the other one you want to confuse Kenyans is state capture while it is them who are now actually doing exactly that,” he added.

The Wiper leader emphasized that despite the challenges faced in 2023, Azimio is committed to doing everything possible to support the people.

Kalonzo assured that the Azimio coalition will remain united for the greater good in the future.

“Azimio will be there for Kenyans and I want to assure Kenyans we will do our best as Azimio not to let you down and we will stay together, as a start we propose as Azimio to hang together, it is very important,” he said.

“We have had a very challenging year that has seen Kenyans come out to the streets to agitate for their constitutional rights. Unfortunately during those demonstrations, we lost a lot of young people, unnecessary deaths occasioned by police live bullets,” Kalonzo said.

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