July 3, 2024

Kenya wins bid to host key African continental body

2 min read
Kenya wins bid to host key African continental body

Kenya selected to host African Anti-Corruption Center after a competitive bidding process

Kenya selected to host African Anti-Corruption Center after a competitive bidding process

Kenya has won the bid to host the Centre for Anti-Corruption Studies and Research in Africa which will be set up by the African Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (AAACA).

In a statement on Thursday, January 11, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) said the decision was arrived at by a resolution of the General Assembly of AAACA during its Extraordinary Meeting held on Tuesday this week.

The centre will facilitate studies and research that will strengthen good governance and anti-corruption efforts across the African continent.

Welcoming the decision EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak noted that the centre will play an important role in facilitating the development and harmonization of strategies for the prevention, detection, investigation and control of corruption and related offenses in Africa.

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“Mr. Mbarak appreciated the trust bestowed upon Kenya by its regional peers to take up the responsibility of hosting the Centre. Notably, the establishment of the Centre marks a good opportunity for Kenya, especially in the areas of strengthening collaborations, strategies and opportunities in the fight against corruption,” EACC stated.

The EACC CEO pointed out that the resolution of the AAACA General Assembly acknowledges Kenya’s commitment to international and regional legal instruments against corruption, including the establishment of key anti-corruption structures.

“Significant milestones have also been recorded in law enforcement, prevention and recovery of corruptly acquired assets,” EACC added.

The AAACA was established by the African Union Convention to promote the effective implementation of the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption.

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