July 3, 2024

List of 24 constituencies on verge of disbandment over lack of functional IEBC

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List of 24 constituencies on verge of disbandment over lack of functional IEBC

24 constituencies on verge of disbandment as constitutional boundary timeline review nears lapse

24 constituencies on verge of disbandment as constitutional boundary timeline review nears lapse.

The country faces a constitutional dilemma as the deadlines set by the Constitution for reviewing boundaries are about to expire. 

The problem is compounded by the absence of a functioning electoral commission.

The consitituencies facing disbandment include: Othaya, Ndaragwa, Budalang’i, Vihiga, Voi, Wundanyi, Mwatate, Galole, Bura, Isiolo South, Samburu East, Laisamis, North Horr, Saku, Kilome, Mukurweini, Mbeere North and Mathioya.

Others are Kangema, Marakwet East, Keiyo North, Tetu, Mogotio, Lamu East, Lamu West and Mvita.

The electoral body last did a review of the boundaries in March 2012.

With the recruitment of Commissioners dependent on the implementation of the National Dialogue Committee Report – a political process – with the Elections (Amendment) Bill, 2023 before Parliament, this could delay the appointment of Commissioners and additionally lead to a Constitutional crisis.

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The Constitution requires the polls agency to review names and boundaries of electoral areas at intervals of not less than eight years and not more than 12 years.

The review is necessitated by the periodic population growth and is aimed at ensuring equitable distribution of resources ranging from development funds allocated through the Constituencies Development Fund Kitties.

The Constitution of Kenya (Amendment Bill) 2023, one of the nine Bills jointly sponsored by Kimani Iching’wah and Opiyo Wandayi seeks to amend the law to ensure that the constituencies are protected for another minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 years, allowing them to gradually grow their population to meet the threshold.

The Constitution only safeguarded the 26 constituencies from the initial review, which took place in March 2012. With the second review due in 2024, 12 years after the first, it is crucial to ensure that the constituencies are not merged with others.

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