July 3, 2024

Namibia President, Hage Geingob is dead

3 min read
Namibia President, Hage Geingob is dead

Namibia President, Hage Geingob is dead after he was recently diagnosed with cancer

Namibia President, Hage Geingob is dead after he was recently diagnosed with cancer.

Namibia’s President Hage Geingob has died at the age of 82 while receiving medical treatment at a hospital in the capital, Windhoek.

A veteran of the country’s independence struggle, Mr Geingob had been diagnosed with cancer and revealed the details to the public last month.

He died early on Sunday with his wife and children by his side, Vice-President Nangolo Mbumba announced.

Namibia “has lost… a distinguished servant of the people”, he said.

According to the constitution, Mr Mbumba will now act as president as there was less than a year left of Mr Geingob’s second term in office. 

Presidential and parliamentary elections had already been scheduled for November.

The exact cause of the president’s death was not given but last month he underwent “a two-day novel treatment for cancerous cells” in the US before flying back home on 31 January, his office had said.

Leaders from around the world have been sending condolence messages.

Hage Geingob lived in exile for 27 years, spending time in Botswana, the US, and the UK, where he studied for a PhD in politics.

Mr Geingob came back to Namibia in 1989, a year before the country gained independence.

Mr Geingob returned from exile in 1989, a year before independence

“Looking back, the journey of building a new Namibia has been worthwhile,” he wrote on social media in 2020 while sharing a picture of him kissing the ground on his return.

“Even though we have made a lot of progress in developing our country, more work lies ahead to build an inclusive society.”

Mr Geingob became president in 2015 and was in his second and final term in office.

He had already been the country’s longest-serving prime minister – in the post for 12 years from 1990 and then again for a shorter stint in 2012.

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But going by results at the ballot box, his popularity had declined.

In the 2014 election, he won a huge majority, taking 87% of the vote. But five years later that had fallen to 56%.

Mr Geingob’s first term coincided with a stagnant economy and high levels of unemployment and poverty, according to the World Bank.

His party also faced a number of corruption scandals during his time in office. This included what became known as “fishrot”, where ministers and top officials were accused of taking bribes in exchange for the awarding of lucrative fishing quotas.

By 2021, three-quarters of the population thought that the country was going in the wrong direction, a three-fold increase since 2014, according to independent polling organization Afrobarometer.

Three decades after independence, the heroic narrative of Swapo having liberated the country was losing its appeal among a generation born after the event, long-time observer of Namibian politics Henning Melber wrote in 2021.

Swapo, in power since independence, had chosen Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah as its presidential candidate for November’s planned elections.

She is currently the deputy prime minister and will become the country’s first female president if she wins.

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