June 26, 2024

ODM summons all leaders who attended Kisii event after chaotic scene

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ODM summons all leaders who attended Kisii event after chaotic scene

All ODM leader who attended the Kisii chaotic event summoned  to explain their roles following ugly scenes

All ODM leader who attended the Kisii chaotic event summoned  to explain their roles following ugly scenes.

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has summoned all elected and nominated leaders who attended a funeral service in Uriri, Migori County on Friday,  May 3, and a church service in Bomachoge Borabu, Kisii County on Sunday, May 5 after the two events turned chaotic.

In a statement on Monday, May 6, ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna said the leaders should appear at the party headquarters on Wednesday 8, 2024 at 10:00 am to explain their roles in the two events.

“Via this statement, the party here-by summons all elected and nominated ODM leaders present at these two functions to appear before the party leadership at 10:00 am on Wednesday, May 8th 2024, at the party headquarters (Chungwa House) to explain their role, if any, in these unfortunate events,” read the statement in part.

At the same time, Sifuna called on the Inspector General of Police, Japhet Koome, to thoroughly investigate the circumstances under which police tear-gassed mourners at the Uriri event and bring all perpetrators to book.

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“We condemn in the strongest terms possible, the use of police to instigate violence at the behest of politicians. The democratic gains made by this nation in the last three decades guarantee the rights, freedoms, and privileges enshrined in the constitution, which rights align with the reforms that morphed the police force into a service,” Sifuna stated.

The Nairobi senator also urged the police leadership to do everything possible to educate members of the service to understand their mandate and avoid taking sides in politics.

During Uriri’s funeral, two people, including a nine-year-old boy, were injured after being caught in the crossfire between two warring sides. Police were forced to fire tear gas canisters and shots in the air to stop the chaos.

In Bomachoge-Borabu, ODM and UDA politicians clashed violently, disrupting a planned fundraising event.

Police also fired teargas canisters as tensions escalated, sending scores of worshippers running for safety.

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