June 29, 2024

Raila gives Ruto D- for his one year in office, promises to announce next cause to remove him from power

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Raila gives Ruto D- for his one year in office, promises to announce next cause to remove him from power

Azimio leader Raila Odinga gives President Willam Ruto a D- for his performance after serving for one year in office

Azimio leader Raila Odinga gives President Willam Ruto a D- for his performance after serving for one year in office.

The Azimio leader said the assessment done on the mark of one year of leadership by the Kenya Kwanza Regime was a dismal performance marred by the high cost of living, wanton corruption, and State Capture.

One year into his presidency, President Ruto has scored a D minus according to the Opposition Coalition scorecard rating that was released today.

“The rating is on the basis of the information we have received here. Our scorecard for this regime is 30 percent that is D-,” Odinga said.

Raila Odinga tore into President William Ruto’s administration one year in governance terming it disastrous.

According to the former Prime Minister, Ruto had failed to deliver on his campaign promises to Kenyans noting that the country was worse off now than it was when he took over the reins.

“Since the Inception into the office of the Kenya Kwanza Government, there has been a persistent emasculation of the political parties and the buying of opposition Members of Parliament.

“Immediately the President was declared, he embarked on the interference with the affairs of the Jubilee party and sponsoring parallel factions to destabilize the party,” Raila claimed.

He also accused Ruto of presiding over a government that was riddled with corruption and tribalism in the appointments to State jobs.

Raila noted that Ruto’s economic policies had failed to create jobs or reduce poverty. He accused the government of raising taxes and borrowing too much money.

He also claimed that, unlike what he promised, President Ruto’s policies have exacerbated the weakening of the Kenyan Shilling against the US Dollar.

“The Shilling was about Ksh120.00 to US$1 in August 2022. Now, it is Ksh150.00. The depreciation of the Kenya Shilling brings more suffering from escalated prices of imports that affect access to inputs and food imports,” the statement read in parts.

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Raila also claimed that Ruto’s historic spending which duly increased in the Budget Outlook was based on the imposition of accelerated taxes and massive borrowing without taking into account a contracting economy that may not yield the resources.

On inclusivity, Raila noted that the Kenya Kwanza Regime has failed the test of ethnic diversity and regional balance as required by the Constitution in public and state appointments.

Raila claimed that most of the public appointments have been based on political and tribal considerations and not merit.

During the assessment of the first-year performance of the Kenya Kwanza Regime by the Azimio Economic Council, leader Raila Odinga promised to announce the next cause of action to remove President Ruto from power saying it would not involve anti-government protests.

With the ongoing bi-partisan talks between the Azimio La Umoja Coalition and Kenya Kwanza Alliance, Odinga pointed out that the next cause of action is a secret card that will be unleashed depending on the outcome of the talks.

“As you know we have been collecting signatures from Kenyans which are more than ten million signatures which are enough for the next step. This time we will not tell the electorate to go to the streets,” he stated.

“I won’t reveal the next action right now because our people are having dialogue with those on the other side but watch this space,” he said.

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