July 3, 2024

Raila’s ODM announces new party structure in proposed plan to disband elections board

2 min read
Raila ODM announces new party structure in proposed plan to disband elections board

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has announced a new structure following the proposal to disband the National Elections Board

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has announced a new structure following the proposal to disband the National Elections Board. 

During the party meeting on Wednesday, January 10, the new plan was presented to Raila Odinga, the leader of the Orange Democratic Movement party. 

The Central Committee, which advocated for grassroots involvement in election management, put forth the proposal to dissolve the elections board. 

“Henceforth, all Party Elections shall be managed at County Level with two Elections Coordinators one male and one female in charge of each County. There shall then be a Coordinating Committee of three persons at the National level reporting directly to the Party central committee,” ODM stated.

“This is geared towards improving efficiency, promoting greater credibility, and empowering the grassroots to play a more central role in the spirit of devolution which the Party holds dear,” the statement added.

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In the new reorganization, ODM announced that the party will retain two members of the defunct National Elections Board in the new Coordinating Committee at the national level, namely Richard Tairo and Emily Awita.

However, the committee proposed Beatrice Askul, from Turkana County to be the Third Member of the Committee while Emily Awita was proposed to Chair the committee.

The changes will become new party laws once approved by relevant organs that govern political parties in the country.

Besides the reorganization, ODM scaled up grassroots mobilization forums. The exercise is aimed at recruiting new party members.

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