July 2, 2024

Revealed! How Uhuru sacrificed much to save Ruto from ICC

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How Uhuru sacrificed much to save Ruto from ICC

Uhuru sacrificed much to save Ruto from ICC ignoring his hardliners in his camp according to defence CS Aden Duale

Uhuru sacrificed much to save Ruto from ICC ignoring his hardliners in his camp according to defence CS Aden Duale.

Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale has detailed how former president Uhuru Kenyatta went over and beyond to make sure William Ruto was left off the hook at the ICC.

Duale claims that Uhuru disregarded hardliners in his camp who wanted Ruto imprisoned at the International Criminal Court for the 2007–2008 post–election violence in his most recent book, For The Record.

According to Duale, as soon as Uhuru was freed on March 13, 2015, his friends who had a vendetta against Ruto started plotting against Ruto.

“However, there was yet another camp around Uhuru that knew without Ruto, Uhuru was toast in his re-election bid. They prevailed upon Uhuru to call the hardliners to order. He did very publicly,” Duale says.

The former Garissa MP recalls that at that time, it had been reported that Ruto’s ICC case had become a government priority and that every effort had been made to clear his name.

According to Duale, Uhuru then instructed Amina Mohamed, the cabinet secretary for foreign affairs, to intensify the effort to support Ruto in diplomatic circles.

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“He tasked Amina to do her magic in the diplomatic world, added, Defence Minister Raychelle Omamo to work out their contacts to get Ruto free,” Duale recounts.

According to Duale, Uhuru asked Charles Keter and Njee Muturi, then Solicitor General to ensure that all the ambassadors in the region and all Western capitals focus on one mission-rescue Ruto from the Hague and that claws of the ICC.

“The Western had calculated that if they let Uhuru go, they could prosecute Ruto,” Duale says adding that they had mistakenly assumed that political betrayal would take priority.

“However, I think that Ruto was saved by the fact that he had the security of tenure, and he still had enormous political capital with the opposition running riot in the country, pushing Uhuru into a corner. Uhuru could not afford to dump Ruto before 2017.”

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