June 27, 2024

Ruto breaks State House security protocol, explains the reason

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Ruto breaks State House security protocol, explains the reason

Ruto broke over 100 years State House security protocol as he hosts National Drama Festival at his official residence

Ruto broke over 100 years State House security protocol as he hosts National Drama Festival at his official residence.

On Friday, June 2, President William Ruto broke State House security norm when he became the first Head of State to host National Drama Festival winners at his official residence.

Ruto stated during the ceremony that he was resolved to break with the custom upheld by former Presidents Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel arap Moi, Mwai Kibaki, and Uhuru Kenyatta. 

Due to security risks caused by the staging and acting props, the festivities previously were not hosted at State House.

He added that because the arts sector offers so many job prospects, he also wanted to see the event and the arts sector given serious consideration.

“I did not come to Mombasa as invited earlier through the ministry, and it was intentional. I wanted you to come so we can set a new standard and raise the bar in matters of arts and the creative industry.

“What has happened here, has never happened at State House. I wanted to set the pace so the creative industry can be appreciated,” he stated.

Ruto referred to a statement made by Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba, who also indicated that the event posed a security threat, given the props that the students used.

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The CS added that Ruto’s move encouraged students and the creative arts industry.

“The set-up here has been amazing. We have never had sliding curtains, props and lights. Previously, some of the props were considered instruments of mass destruction and barred from the State House.

“You (Ruto) have allowed these props to be let in,” Namwamba stated. 

Previously, presidents have hosted the events at state lodges outside the capital, such as the Sagana Lodge and State House Mombasa.

For instance, former President Uhuru Kenyatta hosted winners of the 2018 Kenya National Music Festivals at Sagana State Lodge in Nyeri County.

State House Nairobi, previously known as Government House, is over 100 years having been built in 1907. 

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