July 5, 2024

Ruto Economic Advisor claims government is run by incompetent people

3 min read
Ruto Economic Advisor claims government is run by incompetent people

Economist David Ndii now suggests that the Ruto government may not fulfill its agenda due to a lack of qualified people running the show

Economist David Ndii now suggests that the Ruto government may not fulfill its agenda due to a lack of qualified people running the show.

David Ndii implied that those making decisions for the state were appointed on a loyalty basis at the expense of competence.

The Ruto Economic Advisor called on Kenyans to manage their expectations.

“To expect an elected administration to prioritize (in any cadre) over rewarding people who sacrificed to bring it to power, and who it will need next election, is to be ignorant about democracy in particular and human nature in general, a fool’s paradise,” he stated.

Ndii is known for his resolve in not standing harsh criticism directed at him over the counsel he gives to President William Ruto.

Ndii chairs the President’s Council of Economic Advisors (CEA), which is charged with counselling the president on economic deliverables and policies.

Always irked by the question of the limping economy, Ndii ever holds that measures are always in place to turn around the economy.

The economist was categorical that the economy would not be transformed overnight.

“Ni maskio hamna ama ni nini? We are implementing the solution. It is called structural adjustment, IMF programme, austerity, call it what you like. It is painful. There are still plenty of people who lived through the last one in the early 90s. Ask them. Choices consequences,” he said in one of his responses to a concerned Kenyan.

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Even as the government antagonists called for austerity measures and Kenya’s walkout from the multilateral lenders such as the IMF and the World Bank, Ndii said there was no other way out other than offsetting the monies owed to the lenders.

According to him, the current debt conceived over the last decade would have to be shouldered by Kenyans in the face of the biting economy characterized by high prices of basic commodities.

The economist suggested the government would not scrap the unending tax regimes which have been aimed at funding the budget, and also clearing the national debt stock currently standing at upward of KSh 9 trillion.

Ruto is on record calling for reforms in the manner in which the multilateral organizations engage with African countries on loans.

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