July 3, 2024

Ruto’s administration responds to intimidating Uhuru

3 min read
Ruto's administration responds to intimidating Uhuru

Ruto's administration responds to accusations of intimidating Uhuru, withdrawing his retirement perks

Ruto’s administration responds to accusations of intimidating Uhuru, withdrawing his retirement perks.

Leader of Majority in the National Assembly, Kimani Ichung’wah, on Monday, May 22, responded to former President Uhuru Kenyatta, insisting that the Kenya Kwanza administration was not intimidating him as alleged.

Speaking to residents of Kinoo, the Kikuyu Member of Parliament insisted that President William Ruto’s administration did not infringe on Uhuru’s rights too.

However, he revealed that the government of President Ruto had made a decision to protect the former President’s rights as guaranteed by the Constitution. 

“Nobody is selling fear to you! Nobody is intimidating you! You have your rights as a former President to do whatever you want, and our Constitution protects you. We will protect your rights just as we protect the rights of these Kenyans,” Ichung’wah stated.

Ruto’s administration would also ensure Uhuru receives his retirement perks despite attending Jubilee’s National Delegates Conference held at Ngong Race Course on Monday, May 22.

The legislator insisted that the current regime was not interested in withholding the benefits after Uhuru insisted that he would not retire, contrary to the Presidential Retirement Act, which bars him from participating in active politics, six months after handing over power. 

“We are not interested in his retirement benefits. We are only telling Uhuru Kenyatta to give us space, time and peace to put back our economy where it ought to be,” Ichung’wah insisted.

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He, however, sustained attacks on the former President, accusing him of directly pushing for the return of anti-government protests to sabotage Ruto’s administration.

His sentiments came after Uhuru accused several leaders in Kenya’s Kwanza administration of intimidating him. 

During the Jubilee Party National Delegates Conference, Uhuru revealed that the raid at his Northlands farm prompted him to return to active politics.

“There was a time I thought I would retire from politics. I thought the time I would come to NDC would be to hand over the mantle of leadership.

“But some people have decided that they would engage in intimidation and threats,” Uhuru explained.

He thus warned the ruling regime against taking over Jubilee Party. He faulted Jubilee Members of Parliament who had joined Kenya Kwanza, terming them betrayers.

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