July 3, 2024

Split in Ruto administration over Azimio demos and Kenyatta’s Northlands invasion

3 min read
Split in Ruto administration over Azimio demos and Kenyatta's Northlands invasion

Azimio demonstrations and invasion of Kenyatta's Northlands farm lays bare the division in the Ruto administration

Azimio demonstrations and invasion of Kenyatta’s Northlands farm lays bare the division in the Ruto administration.

According to a publication by Daily Nation, the split is between those demanding urgent and decisive action on the attack on Uhuru’s farm and those arguing that the former president should not be treated differently from Kenyans who have lost property in the demos. 

It is reported that the former head of state is planning to deal with the matter legally. 

Nation reports that the division emerged in Kenya Kwanza after Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki opposed calls for security officers to be unusually brutal with protesters and for officers to ignore distress calls from certain quarters in the Monday protests. 

There are has been questions surrounding Prof Kindiki, who had adopted a loud silence after the invasion of Kenyatta family land.

The fact that Mr. Owalo addressed the presser after the invasion which appeared to go well beyond the purview of his ministry, had also served to bring focus on the whereabouts of Prof Kindiki.

It was reported that Prof Kindiki’s silence came after he opposed calls for security officers to be unusually brutal with protesters and for officers to ignore distress calls from certain quarters in the Monday protests. 

Insiders now say heads are expected to roll as the President jets back into the country this evening from his four-day official tour of Germany and Belgium.

“The President is not happy with the happenings back home,” disclosed a close ally of Ruto.

Azimio leaders have already expressed their displeasure with the deployment of officers at Northlands City, more than 24 hours after a raid in which goons set aside 50 feet by 50 feet plots and built a structure out of iron sheets. 

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Azimio leaders have already expressed their displeasure with the deployment of officers at Northlands City, more than 24 hours after a raid in which goons set aside 50 feet by 50 feet plots and built a structure out of iron sheets. 

The way the attacks on Northlands City, Mr. Odinga’s East Africa Foundation, and the Kibra episodes were handled has drawn harsh criticism from a number of sources, including the Church and civil society organizations.

There are also claims that there was an overboard plan to shut down the internet during the Monday protests, but it was thwarted by Ruto, who questioned the wisdom of it. 

While at it, Uasin Gishu senator Jackson Mandago has sounded a warning, putting police boss Japheth Koome on notice and promising to summon him to Parliament and even sponsor an impeachment motion for his handling of the Monday protests. 

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