July 5, 2024

“The presidential sword you were given is not for cutting people,” Karua to Ruto

3 min read
"The presidential sword you were given is not for cutting people," Karua to Ruto

Karua slams Ruto over his remarks on using the presidential sword to deal with individuals opposing the affordable housing project

Karua slams Ruto over his remarks on using the presidential sword to deal with individuals opposing the affordable housing project.

In a statement on Monday, December 18, Karua wondered if President William Ruto meant that he will use the sword to cut people.

“When Ruto castigates people going to court on his punitive policies and says the sword he was given is not for cutting vegetables, is he implying that it is for cutting/killing people? Sort of reminding us what he was is capable of?” Karua posed.

This comes after President Ruto on Saturday during a thanksgiving mass in Kisii County said the sword he was handed over by his predecessor Uhuru Kenyatta was not for chopping vegetables but dealing with criminals.

“You know I was given a sword. Do you think it’s for cutting vegetables? It’s for dealing with all these crooks here. I will uproot them completely, and Kenya will move forward,” Ruto stated.

Ruto had also earlier put individuals opposing universal health coverage and housing projects on notice.

He claimed the individuals had resorted to legal action to sabotage the two projects.

Ruto’s remarks sparked reactions and concerns from several quarters including Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo and LSK President Eric Theuri.

They accused President Ruto of threatening the judiciary, lawyers, and Kenyans who oppose his unpopular policies.

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“So, overlooked in Bunge, and now threatened with beheading for litigating the legality of the Housing Tax! This threat is not just to the parties and lawyers, but it’s directed at the Courts on a pending case! This is how far we’ve sunk!” Amollo stated.

Law Society of Kenya President Eric Theuri hit back at the president saying the sword was for protection of the Constitution and not “a tool for oppression”.

LSK is among the petitioners who filed cases against the Finance Act in which the Housing Levy is domiciled.

“Alongside the sword, the President was given the Constitution. The sword is intended to protect & uphold the Constitution& is not an instrument of oppression,” he said.

Theuri went on to say they will not relent adding that they will take the government head-on on policies that undermine the rule of law.

“As advocates, we similarly took an oath to protect the Constitution & rule of law. We will do so candidly, and boldly and won’t be threatened or intimidated from challenging any government decision that offends the Constitution,” Theuri said.

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