July 3, 2024

Unearthed deal: Top Azimio leader to get cabinet job in another handshake deal with Ruto

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Unearthed deal: Top Azimio leader to get cabinet job in another handshake deal with Ruto

A top Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition party politician is set for a cabinet slot in Kenya Kwanza government in a new handshake deal with Ruto

A top Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition party leader is set for a cabinet slot in Kenya Kwanza government in a new handshake deal with Ruto.

According to a publication by People Daily Digital, the unearthed deal has been kept under wraps until the right time when the politician makes a government comeback.

The appointment has been well planned to be made public during a looming cabinet reshuffle, which will see at least six underperforming cabinet secretaries dropped.

“He is joining the government. The President (Ruto) sees him both as an asset and a liability in 2027. He ( the president) doesn’t want him in the opposition in 2027,” our source intimated.

The Head of State is said to have fallen out of favour with six cabinet secretaries, whose performances are below par and who have made the government unpopular.

The politician, who was plotting to unseat Ruto in 2027, abandoned his dreams after discovering that his main allies, including ODM leader Raila Odinga, had abandoned him.

Raila is currently eying the African Union Commission (AUC) chairmanship and has never committed his support to his ally. 

Already, Raila is getting tremendous government support to clinch the seat.

According to the publication, the top Azimio leader in question is former vice president Kalonzo Musyoka who has also been promised government support as a presidential candidate in 2032.

He will, understandably, be appointed the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs, a slot currently held by Musalia Mudavadi. 

Mudavadi will retain the slot of Prime Cabinet secretary, which will soon be ratified through the implementation of the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report.

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Immediately he takes over the Foreign Affairs slot, Kalonzo will be tasked with diplomacy shuttles to win support for Raila across Africa, something Ruto feels Mudavadi has not performed as expected.

The recent accusations against the government by the former vice president are said to have been designed to keep the deal a secret until everything is set.

In his recent remarks, Kalonzo faulted the High Court for halting the implementation of the NADCO report.

Kalonzo, who was also the NADCO co-chair, termed the orders by Lady Justice Dora Chepkwony as state-sponsored.

“This is a deliberate scheme to go against what was agreed on at the Bomas of Kenya. The Kenya Kwanza regime has never had goodwill and faith and this is the problem in Kenya; the politics of lies all the time. This state-sponsored court action must stop,” Kalonzo said.

According to the Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition party co-principal, the state was not committed during the dialogue.

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