July 3, 2024

Varsity student fatally stabbed to death by lover next to police station

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Varsity student fatally stabbed to death by lover next to police station

​​Parents of varsity student, Alice Wangechi stabbed to death by her lover next to a police station demand answers

​​Parents of varsity student, Alice Wangechi stabbed to death by her lover next to a police station demand answers.

The 22-year-old student at Kiambu County’s Kanjuku Vocational Training Center lost her life after being fatally stabbed by her abandoned lover, who had met her under the guise of returning her lost phone.

The deceased’s mother, Mary Wanjiku, told the media on Saturday that her daughter had received a call from the alleged boyfriend, who claimed to have found the phone and asked to meet at the Gatundu Police Station.

Wanjiku claimed that her daughter Alice Wangechi, who had just gotten back from school, had consented to see her partner. 

It was during this meeting that the tragic stabbing occurred.

“Two months ago, her phone was stolen and she reported the matter to the police. So, when she received the call from her friend, she was excited and eager to retrieve her phone,” she explained.

David Kimani, Wangechi’s father, however, wondered why his daughter was killed in close proximity to the police station, which is expected to be a safe place swarming with police officers.

“We are puzzled by how she could be fatally stabbed right beside a police station. If not for a vigilant neighbor who discovered her body and alerted the authorities, her remains might not have been found,” the grieving father lamented.

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The family described Wangechi as a cheerful child with a natural talent and a strong passion for education. She was pursuing a course in beauty and hairdressing before her untimely death.

“She had a dream that upon completing her education and securing a job, she would support the family. Wangechi frequently saved money and surprised us with gifts,” Margaret Wanjiru, Wangechi’s grandmother stated.

Wangechi’s mother also disclosed that her daughter had been battling diabetes from a young age.

“She developed diabetes when she was just 8 years old and struggled with it throughout her life. I am profoundly heartbroken, entrusting everything to God’s hands,” she stated.

The family is urging the police officers to conduct a thorough investigation to get to the bottom of the matter over the killing of the varsity student.

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