July 3, 2024

Why I nominated military generals to diplomatic stations in  Iran and Pakistan, Ruto

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Why I nominated military generals to diplomatic stations in Iran and Pakistan, Ruto

President Ruto explains why he chose two military generals as Ambassadors to diptlomatic missions Iran and Pakistan

President Ruto explains why he chose two military generals as Ambassadors to diptlomatic missions Iran and Pakistan.

Speaking on Saturday, March 9, at the State House for the swearing-in of recently promoted generals, Ruto disclosed that the two stations need senior citizens with extensive backgrounds in public service.

He added that his choices were influenced by the security conditions in both nations. 

Ruto was referring to the appointments of Lieutenant General Jonah Mwangi, a former vice chief of defense, as Kenya’s ambassador to Iran and Lieutenant General Peter Njiru, a formr commander of the Kenya Army, as Kenya’s high commissioner to Pakistan.

“I know that I have given you difficult stations. Teheran and Islamabad are not very easy stations but I know you are up to the responsibility.

“In Pakistan, we all know what is going on there and we also know what is going on in Iran and that is why I believe that senior citizens like yourself who have wide experience are the best people to man those stations,” he stated.

On the other hand, he expressed optimism over the services the two military officers will offer, describing them as competent officers who are intelligent and competent.

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“My very best wishes as you transit into your new responsibilities in the service of the nation. I was pleased with them and they have discharged their duties with distinction,” he stated.

Mwangi has served in KDF for 42 years with did latest assignment being the second in command in KDF after General Francis Ogolla. On the other hand, Njiru served in the army for 39 years.

Notably, Ruto has adopted former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s tactics in deploying military officers to key government offices upon retirement or during the latter years of their service.

For instance, Uhuru sought the services of Lieutenant General Mohamed Badi to run the defunct Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS).

Likewise, Ruto had deployed the military to undertake development work such as the construction of the 60,000 seater Talanta Sports City.

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