July 5, 2024

You have no other option but to resign; Waititu to President Ruto

3 min read
You have no other option but to resign; Waititu to President Ruto

Former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu calls on President Ruto to resign following anti-government protests

Former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu calls on President Ruto to resign following anti-government protests.

Speaking during an interview with Inooro TV, Waititu claimed that Ruto should consider resigning owing to the unrelenting anti-government protests being experienced across the country.

“He will not be the first to be ousted, from Algeria to Tunisia the signs were similar. At the end of the day even this one (Ruto), he will have no other option but to go,” he stated.

Waititu gave examples of other countries where Heads of State were impeached or forced to step down due to their failure to fulfill their promises to the electorate.

He explained that Ruto had failed to honour his numerous promises to Kenyans and did not offer Kenyans an explanation leading to the current unrest in the country.

Waitutu noted that currently, Kenyans were now alert and aware that Ruto made false promises. 

The former governor added that the unrest in the country was a result of many factors fuelled by the high cost of living experienced under the Kenya Kwanza regime.

He further criticised Ruto for not giving adequate responses when taken to task by Kenyans and gave the example of Ruto’s first address to the nation after the protests staged last Tuesday.

“Instead of sympathising and sending condolences to the families whose children died, he was busy complaining about what had been destroyed,” Waititu remarked.

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Waititu who campaigned for Ruto in 2022, emphasised Ruto was supposed to empathise with the citizens, apologise for his wrongdoings and outline a way forward. 

He also accused the current leaders of only advancing their own interests instead of the needs of the people who elected them. 

“Kenyans have seen that Ruto is constantly flying outside the country and those given seats in his administration are also greedy and lack integrity,” he stated.

Waititu complained that some politicians were flaunting wads of cash at Harambees and traversing the country using choppers while some Kenyans were struggling to make ends meet. He noted that this was fueling the anger among Kenyans.

Additionally, he advised Ruto to make drastic changes to his administration to calm things down.

Conclusively, the former governor condoled with all the families who lost their loved ones in the ongoing demonstrations. He condemned all those involved in the unlawful killings of peaceful protestors. 

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