July 8, 2024

Ruto allies now demand probe into Kenyatta family tax waivers, land for the last 10 years

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Ruto allies now demand probe into Kenyatta family tax waivers, land for the last 10 years

Ruto allies in Mt Kenya region now demand probe into Kenyatta family tax waivers, land, and businesses for the last 10 years

Ruto allies in Mt Kenya region now demand probe into Kenyatta family tax waivers, land, and businesses for the last 10 years.

A section of Kenya Kwanza senators now wants the national government to look into tax waivers enjoyed by the Kenyatta family during former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s reign.

On Monday, January 31, the lawmakers urged President William Ruto to order an audit into the tax waivers allegedly enjoyed by the former Head of State since ascending into office.

Ruto’s allies (Senators) also want county governments to institute a similar audit on land rates paid by members of the first family on all land they own across the country.

Senators John Methu (Nyandarua), James Murango (Kirinyaga), Wahome Wamatinga (Nyeri), and Tabitha Mutinda (nominated) further accused Uhuru of sponsoring Azimio’s rally to sabotage Ruto’s revenue plan.

“He was given waivers for the taxes for the last ten years. We are doing an audit report and we will place it on the floor of the house and he must pay that,” Nyeri senator Wamatinga stated

Besides auditing his wealth, Kirinyaga’s Murango called on county governments to establish whether the former President dully paid his land rates. 

“Kayole residents are remitting their land rates but the rich are not paying,” he claimed.

The Senators cited the Sh350 million tax waiver enjoyed by NCBA and NIC banks. Former Treasury Secretary Henry Rotich had in 2019 exempted the transfer of CBA shares into NIC Bank from paying stamp duty of one percent of the worth of the unquoted stocks being transferred.

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Their sentiments echoed Ruto’s warning on tax evaders and sponsors of Azimio rallies. Speaking in Mombasa on Monday, January 30, Ruto maintained that his administration would not spare any persons from meeting their tax obligations.

The President spoke in Mombasa during the National Assembly Post-Election Seminar.

“We cannot operate in a space where those in power exempt themselves from paying tax by using all instruments.

“I want to tell those who used to exempt themselves from paying tax that their day is up even if they sponsor demonstrations,” the President warned.

While responding to former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s claims of burdening Kenyans with tax policies, Ruto maintained that all the measures would be anchored in the law.

“I want to assure Kenyans that there will be no additional taxes except those agreed by law,” he stated.

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