July 7, 2024

Government accuse Uhuru of being mastermind behind Saba Saba nationwide demonstrations

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Government accuse Uhuru of being mastermind behind Saba Saba nationwide demonstrations

Government alleges Former President Uhuru Kenyatta orchastrated the Saba Saba demonstrations led by Raila Odinga on Friday

Government alleges Former President Uhuru Kenyatta orchastrated the Saba Saba demonstrations led by Raila Odinga on Friday.

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta has been accused of being the mastermind behind the Azimio la Umoja Saba Saba demonstrations led by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga on Friday, July 7.

Notably, President William Ruto’s loyalists, led by digital strategist Dennis Itumbi, asserted that on July 6, Uhuru presided over a meeting with lawmakers from the Azimio  where they devised strategies to obstruct government operations.

The gathering of 10 million signatures to remove President William Ruto was one of the suggestions made, according to Ruto’s camp, in the meeting that was supposedly presided over by Uhuru Kenyatta.

“After an early morning meeting at Raila Odinga’ Kerarapon home between Former President Uhuru and Raila Odinga today. A secret emergency meeting was called by Azimio.

“The meeting agreed that there would be no maandamano in Nairobi and that instead, they would go to Kamukunji grounds and launch the website and public collection of signatures,” Itumbi claimed.

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However, speaking to the media, political analyst Barrack Muluka opined that the Saba Saba demonstrations were all planned and orchestrated by Raila.

According to the analyst with a PhD in Politics and International Relations, Uhuru is an outspoken leader who does not hide behind others.

He cited the instance of Uhuru’s public appearance at the Jubilee Party headquarters prompted by the leadership wrangles pitting the faction led by party Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni against one led by East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) MP Kanini Kega as the best example. 

“I do not know Uhuru to be the kind of person who would be cowardly enough to hide behind someone. I know Uhuru to be the kind of person who comes out to speak.

“He speaks with a lot of passion about things he believes in. We saw that when he was unhappy with events in his party,” he stated.

To support this position, Muluka cited Raila’s past anti-government demonstrations, observing that they were witnessed after every election year.

“This is Raila’s style. He does not accept any election outcome that does not favour him. Until such a time when I have evidence that Uhuru is involved, I would be shy to say that there is Uhuru’s Kenyatta’s hand,” Muluka expressed.

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