July 2, 2024

Uproar as a third power blackout hit Kenya in three months

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Uproar as a third power blackout hit Kenya in three months

Power blackout paralyzed the activites of major airport, the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) on Sunday with various parts of Kenya plunged into total darkness

Power blackout paralyzed the activites of major airport, the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) on Sunday with various parts of Kenya plunged into total darkness.

On Sunday night, Kenyans across the country reported experiencing a power outage, marking the third time the country has been plunged into darkness within a few months.

The power blackout also affected Kenya’s major airport, the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), among other key areas.

Kenya Power confirmed the outage in a statement, stating that it had lost power supply to several parts of the country due to a suspected “fault affecting the power system.”

The power company stated that it was working to restore power as soon as possible and apologised to its customers for the inconvenience.

Several Kenyans, commenting on various platforms, aired their discontentment questioning why the power outages have become frequent.

Led by Saboti member of Parliament Caleb Amisi, Kenyans called out Energy CS Davis Chirchir and Kenya Power CEO Joseph Siror lobbying for them to be held accountable.

”The frequent power outages in this country is a typical sign of underground nocturnal cabal activities. It is not a usual occurrence, neither is it by accident but by design. I dare say it is time for Davis Chirchir to leave Nairobi and retire in Kericho County,” the MP stated.

“Kama hivi ndio Nigerians hufeel everyday of their life, then I understand why every Nigerian youths goal is to leave Nigeria as soon as they can. Electricity is a basic need in this era. KPLC mnatutesa bana,” another Kenyan lamented.

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“Reports indicate that there is a national blackout countrywide, with no prior communication from Kenya Power this has happened twice in one month. What is going on at KPLC? Who is to blame,? 

Sunday’s outage was the third major blackout in three months, and halted critical services at JKIA, where backup generators reportedly failed to start.

The first outage was on August 25, while the second was on November 11.

During the outage on November 11, it took over 12 hours to restore power in most parts of the country.

In August, after Kenya Power issued a brief statement announcing a “system disturbance leading to loss of bulk power supply,” Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen apologised after passengers were stranded at JKIA.

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