July 2, 2024

Oparanya addresses fallout in ODM over Raila succession

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Oparanya addresses fallout in ODM over Raila succession

ODM deputy party leader, Wycliffe Oparanya dismisses claims that the party is in disarray after Raila endorsement

ODM deputy party leader, Wycliffe Oparanya dismisses claims that the party is in disarray after Raila endorsement.

Former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya has addressed reports of a fallout in the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) following a recent endorsement from Raila Odinga.

Oparanya dismissed claims that the party was in disarray following the recent development and Raila’s plan to vie for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairmanship.

The Former Council of Governors chairperson further debunked claims that there are factions inside the party. He insisted that ODM was still intact.

“That is a creation of the media or Kenya Kwanza who think that we have factions within ODM. The party is still strong under the leadership of Raila Odinga,” Oparanya stated.

“The issue of assuming that we have factions is not true. The party is intact,” he added.

He downplayed reports that various leaders within the party had launched campaigns to replace Raila as the party leader in 2025. 

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Oparanya noted that reconstitution will be done by all party members and in a transparent manner.

His sentiments come days after Raila endorsed him and Former Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho to lead the opposition party in case he clinches the African Union Commission chairmanship.

Raila said that his exit from local politics should not kill the opposition party, which has existed for nearly 20 years.

“I’m here with Governors (Wycliffe) Oparanya and Ali Hassan Joho. They will come together (to lead ODM). A party with a strong foundation cannot crumble just because one person has left. I am confident that these (two) will continue driving the party agenda even though I’ll be in Addis Ababa. If they want advice, I am ready. ODM will remain intact,” Raila stated.

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