July 2, 2024

Gachagua responds on Ruto announcement over UDA fielding female running mate in future

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Gachagua responds on Ruto announcement over UDA fielding female running mate in future

DP Gachagua says most people failed to get Ruto correct context on UDA party fielding female running mate in future elections

DP Gachagua says most people failed to get Ruto correct context on UDA party fielding female running mate in future elections.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has weighed in on President Ruto’s remark that the United Democratic Party (UDA) would field a female running mate in future polls.

Speaking on Friday, March 8 during the marking of International Women’s Day in Embu, Gachagua noted that most people failed to get the President’s correct context on the issue.

The DP explained they would consider having a woman running mate near the end of Ruto’s second term in office.

Gachagua urged those who thought Ruto meant the 2027 general election to be patient saying the Head of State will give a direction before the end of his tenure.

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“We will continue to discuss how women will be involved in leadership roles in the government and hold significant positions because they have demonstrated their prowess. Some did not understand when the President said he would talk to me about organizing women when we finish our affairs. They thought it was soon. You must wait for me to help the president during his term, when it comes to an end, the President himself will lead us and show us how to organize these women,” Gachagua explained.

On Thursday during the Women Governors’ Caucus G7 Strategy Summit in Nairobi, Ruto mentioned that he would sit down with DP Gachagua and agree that when if the party fronts a male presidential candidate, the running mate must be a woman.

The President urged UDA Chairperson Cecily Mbarire to make the new changes in the party rules for them to be implemented in future polls.

“We must as a party lead from the front, and we must make it in the rules that when Rigathi Gachagua and myself when we discuss our future politics, we must also agree that going forward if a man is a candidate for President in our party the woman must be the running mate and if a woman is a candidate, then a man can be a running mate” said Ruto.

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