February 13, 2025

How to apply for Equity Bank’s wings to fly scholarship 2022

Wings to fly scholarship 2022

Equity Bank’s Wings to Fly Scholarship is one of the scholarships programs available for secondary school students. 

The program targets top-performing students who scored high grades in their KCPE exams from disadvantaged backgrounds (orphaned or vulnerable). 

These students are majorly identified by assessing two main criteria, that is, based on academic performance and socio-economic vulnerability:

1. Academic Achievement- Qualifying students should be in top 5th percentile in KCPE in their district.

2. Students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds – Eligible students who would not be able to attend secondary school for reasons arising from the loss of one or both parents; Parents who are unable to educate their children because they are physically or mentally handicapped, living with AIDS or other chronic debilitating diseases; 

Families displaced due to natural calamities such as floods, droughts, famines or civil strife; Families who do not have any proof of accumulated wealth; Children who show evidence of previously received bursaries or financial aid or who have a past history of school absence due to lack of tuition fees.

Every year, Equity Bank Group gives scholarships to the needy under the Wings to Fly programme.

What is Equity Wings to Fly Scholarship?

Equity Wings to Fly Scholarship is a program sponsored by Equity Group Foundation and Mastercard Foundation to help pay secondary school fees and meet other learning needs for students coming from poor backgrounds and qualify for their KCPE 2022 examinations.

Forms for Equity Wings to Fly Scholarship 2022 and Deadline

You can fill the Wings to Fly Scholarship Application Form online using this page:

Wings To Fly Application Form Online. We have provided the procedure below.

Note: All applications must be made online through the form given above. No need to download

How to Apply for Equity Wings to Fly Scholarship 2022

To apply for Wings to Fly Scholarship 2022, fill the online application form using the procedure given below:

1. Go to Form Page: Wings To Fly Application Form Online.

2. Register by entering a valid email and phone number.

3. You will receive a confirmation code via email

enter confirmation code.

4. Proceed with filling in your application details (academic, family information, and proof of requirements)

5. Download recommendation and declaration form. Fill it, scan, and upload it.

Save Changes you have done

Requirements for Equity Wing Eligibility to Fly the Scholarship 2022

Some of the factors that will determine whether you are eligible for the Scholarship or not are;

1. You should be in the top 5th percentile of your district in terms of marks.

2. You must be from a financially disadvantaged background (orphans, parents with disabilities and can’t help you, parents with chronic illness, parents with disabilities needy, etc.)

3. You must be a Kenyan citizen

4. You should have your result slip.

Scholarship Benefits

Once you are awarded the Wings to Fly Scholarship you will receive the following benefits;

1. Tuition fee payment for four years

2. Books up to form four.

3. School uniform up to form four.

4. Transport and pocket money up to Form Four

Scholarship Contact

You can contact Wings to fly;

Phone numbers: +254 (020) 2744000, +254-711 025000, or +254-734 108000

Email: info@equitygroupfoundation.com

Official website: https://equitygroupfoundation.com/wings-to-fly/

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