July 3, 2024

KEBS declares multi-billion cooking oil imported by Ruto administration unfit for human consumption

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KEBS declares multi-billion cooking oil imported by Ruto administration unfit for human consumption

Cooking oil import by the Kenya Kwanza administration declared unfit for human consumption as KEBS advice be re-shipped

Cooking oil import by the Kenya Kwanza administration declared unfit for human consumption as KEBS advice be re-shipped.

The Kenya Bureau of Standards concluded in a letter dated September 5th, written to the Managing Director of the Kenya National Trading Corporation stated that:

“The consignments have been rejected and the importer is hereby advised to reship them back to the country of origin within 30 days from the date of this letter, failure to which they shall be destroyed at the importer’s cost.

“Kenya Bureau of Standards subjected consignments entry number 23MBAIM402473344, 23MBAIM403321628, and 23MBAIM403235943 to test against the Kenya Standardization Specification for Fortified Edible Oils and Fats.

“The results established that the consignments failed to comply with Vitamin A and Insoluble Impurities.”

In its final report, KEBS established that for fat content the Edible Oils exceeded the required amount by 0.47% by mass containing 99.97 instead of the required 99.5. For moisture and matter volatile at 105°C, while the required standard is 0.2, the oils subjected to the test contained 0.03.

The acid value of the edible oils measured, potassium hydroxide in milligrams was 0.12 whilst the required standard is 0.6. For the amount of peroxide oxygen per kilogram of oil, while the requirement is 10, the Edible Oils contained 5.42.

The KEBS examination also found that the imported oil contained 0.04 of insoluble impurities while the required standard is 0.05.

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While the KEBS study took place in July, it is not clear why all the other consignments shipped in before July were not subjected to laboratory tests and why KEBS has not destroyed the oil as stated in its letter.

For instance, consignment number 23MBAIM402747001 exported by Multi Commerce FZC registered in Sharjah, UAE was not subjected to tests.

The importation of 125,000 MT of Edible Oil, was meant to bring down the cost of living, but it turned out the price of the consignment was inflated making it uncompetitive.

This comes after the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) estimated that the amount of tax payer’s money that has been embezzled in the edible oil scam could run into Ksh.30 billion.

Detectives both at the DCI and EACC are targeting senior government officials, believed to have had a hand in the multi-billion shilling plunder.

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