June 29, 2024

Stop blackmailing President Ruto; UDA to DP Gachagua allies

3 min read
Stop blackmailing President Ruto; UDA to DP Gachagua allies

UDA and National Assembly Majority Whip Sylvanus Osoro castigate DP Gachagua allies in Mt Kenya for blackmailing President Ruto

UDA and National Assembly Majority Whip Sylvanus Osoro castigate DP Gachagua allies in Mt Kenya for blackmailing President Ruto.

Speaking on Sunday, May 19, Sylvanus Osoro called on the leaders to stop blaming President William Ruto for their issues. 

The Majority Whip wondered why Mt. Kenya leaders have been complaining, yet they allegedly own half of the Kenya Kwanza government. 

According to Osoro, leaders from the Mt. Kenya region hold key government positions such as deputy president, chief justice, Treasury, cabinet secretary for water, cabinet secretary for agriculture, cabinet secretary for land, and national assembly majority leader. 

The UDA MP and close ally of Ruto argued that Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s allies are unnecessarily blackmailing the president, yet they could use their positions to resolve the issues affecting Mt Kenya.

“Every time you meet, you blame the president. You should call these leaders and tell them what you want. You control this country, you control the government, and you actually own half of this government. You have no reason to complain. You have no reason to bring unnecessary squabbles to the national government. Stop blacking the president of Kenya because that is how it should be,” Osoro said. 

His comments come amid an alleged fallout between President Ruto and his Deputy, Rigathi Gachagua.

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On the same note, Nyeri governor Mutahi Kahiga cautioned against any plans to undermine Gachuaga in the Kenya Kwanza government. 

Speaking in Nyeri on Sunday, May 19, Kahiga hinted at a possible fallout between President William Ruto and Gachagua. 

Gov Kahiga said the people of the Mt. Kenya region will not allow Gachagua to be mistreated like Ruto was allegedly mistreated under former president Uhuru Kenyatta’s administration. 

He added that Gachagua was not appointed to his current position; instead, he was elected like any other leader and deserves respect. 

He pointed out that the significant votes from Mt Kenya made Gachagua the deputy president and that he was not holding the position out of any favours. 

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