July 2, 2024

Uhuru changed his phone number; Billionaire to Ruto mediation plea

3 min read
Uhuru changed his phone number; Billionaire to Ruto mediation plea

Uhuru changed his phone number according to Sudan billionaire after Ruto asked him to mediate the political situation in Kenya

Uhuru changed his phone number according to Sudan billionaire after Ruto asked him to mediate the political situation in Kenya.

On Saturday, April 29, President William Ruto pleaded with the Sudanese-born British businessman Mo Ibrahim to negotiate with Raila Odinga and his predecessor Uhuru Kenyatta to defuse the nation’s political tensions.

At the Kenyatta International Convention Centre’s (KICC) Mo Ibrahim Governance Forum, Ruto pressed the philanthropist to use his connections to Uhuru and Raila to help them reach a consensus on the bipartisan talks. 

The millionaire complained that Uhuru had changed his mobile number in response to Ruto’s request.

“My other brother, unfortunately, has changed his mobile number. I cannot reach him. So if you hears us, Uhuru give me a call,” he stated.

“I will look for his new number and give you,” Ruto assured Ibrahim.

Nonetheless, Ibrahim told Ruto that he had reached out to Raila and even invited him for lunch to address some of the issues raised by the Azimio side.

“You are all my friends. Uhuru, Raila and you, are all my friends, and we are all brothers.

“I already reached out to our brother Raila, and I invited him to come and have lunch, but I haven’t got confirmation yet. But I would like to meet him,” Ibrahim insisted.

The business magnate, however, pleaded with both Kenya Kwanza and Azimio’s sides to settle their differences and work for Kenyans. He argued that the squabbles would affect education, the job market and the general economy.

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Additionally, he challenged the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, one of the guests at the forum held at Kenyatta International Convention Centre, to lead mediation talks between Raila, Uhuru and Ruto.

“One of my competitors (Raila) is an Anglican, and I think the Archbishop of Canterbury would do a very good job,” Ruto responded to Mo Ibrahim’s plea to Welby.

During the forum, the issue of Ruto creating positions for his family members also cropped up. The Head of State, however, dismissed the claims insisting that he was not creating any position for his family members.

“Members of my family are not participating in any politics, and I am not saying that they should not. It is enough that the people of Kenya have given me the presidency, it is not in my place to use it to promote my family,” Ruto responded.

“It is in my place to promote the children of other people,” he insisted.

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