July 3, 2024

NTV, KBC journalists stabbed during an impromptu raid at Nairobi club

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NTV, KBC journalists stabbed during an imprompt raid at Nairobi club

NTV, KBC journalists attacked during National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) raid at Nairobi club

NTV, KBC journalists attacked during National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) raid at Nairobi club.

The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) carried out an unexpected raid at a local Nairobi bar on Friday night. 

However, the raid turned confrontational as multiple journalists and officials were attacked.

The incident was confirmed by NACADA, which stated that eight bouncers at the club went rogue and started hitting the journalists and NACADA officers present.

Police officers attached to NACADA, accompanied by journalists, arrived at the club at around 11:00 pm to arrest the club managers for allegedly selling shisha, which is prohibited in the country.

Upon identifying the journalists, the bouncers charged and rained heavy blows on them. In the process, they forcefully seized their recording equipment.

As a result of the melee that ensued, Nation photographer Boniface Bogita was stabbed twice in the ribs, Jane Kibira of Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) was stabbed in the back and Standard Group’s Boniface Okendo and Francis Odee were also beaten up and badly wounded.

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“They even beat up our officers but we managed to arrest all of them,” the source stated while confirming that two NACADA officers sustained serious injuries from the incident. 

According to the source, the bouncers were taken into custody at Kileleshwa Police Station, pending arraignment in court on Monday.

On the other hand, the journalists who were attacked are currently receiving medical treatment at Aga Khan Hospital in Nairobi.

The source explained that the resistance portrayed by the bouncers was a result of the club being owned by an influential person in the country.

He added that NACADA would continue with the raids to ensure that those contravening the law would be brought to book.

“We are doing big things as NACADA. The place is owned by one of the most influential people in the country hence all the scuffle,” he added.

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